Click on a Flexgrid row (Angular 5)

Posted by: frederic.jammes on 3 July 2018, 7:52 pm EST

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    Posted 3 July 2018, 7:52 pm EST


    I’m working with Flexgrid in Angular 5

    I would like to handle the click on a row to get a specific attribute about the item of the row.

    My flexgrid contains a header, a body, and a manually added footer (looking like the one in the following post, to make some custom aggregation :

    I tried using selectionChanged, and it work okish, but there is some issues :

    • "

    • “by default, the first row is selected, so selectionChanged doesn’t occur if I click on the first row”

    • “When I sort my flexgrid, the event selectionChanged occurs (which I don’t want)”

    • “If I click on my footer, the event selectionChanged occurs (which I don’t want)”


    What is the good way to handle a click on a row ?



  • Posted 3 July 2018, 7:57 pm EST

    One other question about this :

    Can you give me a link where I can see which event is triggered by which event ?

    For example, I have discovered by myself that sorting trigger selectionChanged.

  • Posted 4 July 2018, 10:09 pm EST


    You may easily get the info about the FlexGrid’s target cell by using hitTest() method provided by FlexGrid.

    You can pass a MouseEvent object as the parameter and get result as HitTestInfo object.

    Please refer to following code snippet:

    	var htInfo=grid.hitTest(e);
    	/* check if clicked cell is grid's main data cell */
    		var rowIndex=htInfo.row;
    		/* rowIndex is the clicked data row index */

    Here is an example of implementing the same:-

    The above solution is the recommended approach to find target Cell detail.

    Please refer to this document for more info on HitTestInfo object:-

    Can you give me a link where I can see which event is triggered by which event ?

    We are sorry but currently there is no document which explains about the relation between different event.


  • Posted 5 July 2018, 2:55 am EST

    Hello and thank you for the reply.

    I implemented it and it works correctly. It doesn’t look very Angular to add event on an element though.


  • Posted 5 July 2018, 7:03 pm EST


    You may also handle the click event on grid in angular style.

    Please refer to following code snippet

    <wj-flex-grid #grid [itemsSource]="data" (initialized)="init(grid)" (click)="gridClickHandler($event,grid)">

    Equivalent gridClickHandler method

    	var htInfo=grid.hitTest(e);
    	/* do something with hit-test info */

    I have also updated the sample accordingly, please have a look and let us know for any further queries:-


  • Posted 12 July 2018, 7:51 pm EST

    It works, thank you for your time !

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