CollectionView Data formats

Posted by: vhaibav.patsali on 21 June 2018, 8:55 am EST

  • Posted 21 June 2018, 8:55 am EST

    Does wijmo support any other data formats other than JSON ? suppose a multidimensional array with just the values or list of values representing each column data ?

    Ex: Type 1

    Columns : Name & Id

    Data: [[‘Pradeep’,12][‘Mike’,120]], here each inner array represents a row

    Ex: Type 2

    Columns : Name & Id

    Data: {Name:[‘Pradeep’,‘Mike’], Id:[12,14]} , Here each array is an entire column

    JSON data is getting very big for us if we are dealing with 70K records. It is also taking a toll on mobile users and we are exploring options to reduce the data transfer size (Yes we are compressing the data already) without having repeated objected properties.

    Note: I knida know that these data types would probably work if we loop through and form them into JSON but that extra processing cost is also what we are trying to avoid.

  • Posted 21 June 2018, 10:52 pm EST


    We are sorry, the FlexGrid supports an array of objects only.

    As you have already figured out, to use the data of different structure you need to first format it into the array of object.

    Yes, it would increase some processing cost but that’s the only way possible.


    The better and recommended way is to get the data in Array of Objects format from the server, which will reduce your cost to format data. Nowadays, most of the developers use JSON format to operate with data.


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