Wijmo releases from npmjs.org

Posted by: patrick.maurer on 19 March 2018, 6:25 pm EST

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    Posted 19 March 2018, 6:25 pm EST

    We used wijmo as a local package in npm so far. Suddenly, our continuous build failed. I assume this happened because wijmo is now released on npmjs.org under the same name that we used for the local package.

    So I changed our packages.json to use the latest version (5.20181.436) from npmjs.org. It basically worked out of the box.

    However, the wijmo.css file isn’t part of the npm package. It wasn’t technically part of the local package, but it was “laying around” in the Dist folder next to NpmImages.

    So instead of referencing it directly from the dist folder, it’s now copied to our src/styles folder.

    Question: What is the suggested workflow to get the wijmo.css updated when new npm images are released?

    In general, what do you suggest to use as a source for the npm packages and other files (css, themes, cultures, …)?

  • Posted 20 March 2018, 8:38 pm EST

    Hi Patrick,

    Yes, as you observed Wijmo has been released on npmjs.org after a long wait.

    We have tried to avoid application break for current user. Although, if you have some query in future, please let us know.

    For information:

    The package contains Wijmo modules in CommonJS format.

    The Node module names are the same as was used before with the local npm images, i.e. users’ applications will continue working after installation of the on-line package. E.g. this will continue to correctly import grid:

    import * as wjGrid from ‘wijmo/wijmo.grid’

    In addition to it, the package contains wijmo.css, themes and culture files:

    • wijmo.css in the ‘styles’ subfolder.

      Node module name is ‘wijmo/styles/wijmo.css’, e.g. in Webpack app it can be imported by the following statement:

      import ‘wijmo/styles/wijmo.css’;

    • themes css in the ‘themes’ subfolder.

      Webpack example:

      import ‘wijmo/themes/wijmo.theme.dark.css’;

    • culture files in the ‘cultures’ subfolder:

      Webpack example:

      import ‘wijmo/cultures/wijmo.culture.ja’;


  • Posted 20 March 2018, 11:18 pm EST

    Hi Manish

    I deleted the wijmo folder in node_modules and installed it again. Now I can see the styles, themes, and cultures subfolders in there. I don’t know why they weren’t there before, either npm had some problems or maybe you updated the package after the initial release?



  • Posted 21 March 2018, 12:11 am EST

    One more thing. I just noticed the Wijmo Evaluation watermark to appear in the bottom right corner.

    Does that mean it’s not possible to use the wijmo package from npmjs.org, but we have to download the licensed version from our account page?

    If so, that makes the package pretty useless for paying customers…

  • Posted 21 March 2018, 1:27 am EST

    Hey Patrick, you stumbled upon an upcoming feature. Next week we will be officially announcing support for a new single distribution of wijmo. The new dist will have a licensing mechanism that will allow you to develop on localhost in evaluation mode. And then when you are ready to deploy, you add a licenseKey to your app. Those will be generated in the My Account section once we announce this.

    In the meantime, if you could keep using your local packages, it would be best. Or if you can just keep using our npm packages in eval mode. Otherwise, if you are in urgent need of a distribution key, we can help you out before next week.

    Thanks -Chris and team

    p.s. I am so happy to hear that the migration went smoothly. That is what we were aiming for. It will be even smoother once you can apply a licenseKey to your app.

  • Posted 21 March 2018, 1:44 am EST

    Hi Chris,

    OK that makes sense now. We leave it as-is for now and check our account once the licenseKey becomes available next week.


  • Posted 6 April 2018, 1:37 am EST

    I applaud the move to npm - this is going to make it much easier to keep everyone on a project up to date with the current version of Wijmo.

    I am having an issue where I don’t have the option to create distribution keys in my account. The license is current and listed, but when I click ‘Create a Distribution Key’, it just scrolls down to the part of the page where dist keys would list (if I had any), with a ‘Read more…’ link and a note that I have no distribution keys.

    Is there a link to the distribution key generation page I could navigate to in the meantime?

    It’s actually particularly troubling at the moment, because the watermark overlays my main navigation, so I can’t click any buttons in my app while coding/testing because the link to Wijmo licensing catches the click instead.

  • Posted 8 April 2018, 8:32 pm EST

    Hi Smith,

    Your issue has been fixed reported on this forum thread:



  • Posted 11 April 2018, 6:23 pm EST

    Hi Manish

    same here: all of our devs can’t create development keys even though we have active licenses!

    Please provide a solution as soon as possible.



  • Posted 11 April 2018, 6:56 pm EST

    One more question: Once we have access to the deployment license generator, is it possible to generate “wildcard” licenses for domains? Or do we have to add every full qualified domain to the license?

    Our app is operated by our customer. His root domain is stable and not a problem if baked into the “binary” as license.

    However, the sub domains could change and it would be a big problem if a minor change to the domain names would require us to generate new distribution licenses and create a new build containing it.


    root domain: example.com

    testing: int-test.ops3.intranet.example.com

    production: prod.ops3.intranet.example.com

    What happens, if his operation team decides to change its internal domain names, i.e. production is now at:


    Or in other words is it possible to create a distribution license for *.example.com or at least *.intranet.example.com?

  • Posted 12 April 2018, 5:35 am EST

    Hi Patrick,

    The issue with your teams licenses now should be resolved and each of you should see Distribution License available in your My Licenses once you relog back into the site.

    For wildcard domain support, please contact us.sales@grapecity.com and we will be able to provide you with the appropriate Distribution Key.


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