Java client receives unexpedted data from Python server

Posted by: mabeljuhi on 25 October 2020, 3:57 pm EST

  • Posted 25 October 2020, 3:57 pm EST

    I was creating a python server with a java client, I manage to send the data from client to the server, however, when it is sent back, the value is not what I expect

    Python Server

    def handle_client(self, client): # Takes client socket as argument.

    “”“Handles a single client connection.”“”

    data = []
    # get size of data
    amt = client.recv(self.SIZE)
    amt = int.from_bytes(amt, byteorder="big", signed=True)
    # get type of entre
    val = client.recv(self.SIZE)
    val = val.decode()
    val = val.split(", ")
    while amt > 0:
        data.append(val[len(val) - amt])
        amt -= 1
    if val[0] == "login":
        # check database
        u = User()
        check = u.login(val[1],val[2])
        if check:
            # add once login is confirmed
            self.clients[val[1]] = data
            b = "false"
            client.send(b.encode() + '\n')

    Java Client

    Socket s = new Socket();

    s.connect(new InetSocketAddress(voids[1], 7800), 2000);

    DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(this.s.getOutputStream());

    DataInputStream ois = new DataInputStream(this.s.getInputStream());


    b = ois.readByte();

    private void sendPackets(HashMap<String, Object> data) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

    if (data.containsKey(“Writer”)) {

    PrintWriter writer = (PrintWriter) data.get(“Writer”);




    } else if (data.containsKey(“ObjectStream”)) {

    DataOutputStream writer = (DataOutputStream)data.get(“ObjectStream”);


    DataInputStream reader = (DataInputStream)data.get(“InputStream”);




        String val = String.valueOf(data.get("type"));
        Byte buf = reader.readByte();
        if (data.containsKey("email")) {
            if (data.containsKey("type")) {
                val = val + ", ";
            val = val + data.get("email");
        if (data.containsKey("username")) {
            if (data.containsKey("email") || data.containsKey("type")) {
                val = val + ", ";
            val = val + data.get("username");
        if (data.containsKey("password")) {
            if (data.containsKey("username")) {
                val = val + ", ";
            val = val + data.get("password");


    If any parts of the codes that are missing that is needed, please tell me

    When the string false is sent from Python to Java, the data received is 114. I do not think it is the value I sent from python as when I was debugging it, it receives 114 even when the python server has not sent the String yet

  • Posted 26 October 2020, 2:06 pm EST


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