Max data-set limit or Max size of Dataset

Posted by: parmarkinjalk on 20 January 2020, 8:34 am EST

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    Posted 20 January 2020, 8:34 am EST

    Hi Team,

    I just wanted to know whats the Max dataset the FlexGrid can take before we start to see any performance issue?

    I have a service which returns around 1000 records per call, but the total dataset is around 20,000, so I am making multiple calls to get 1000 records each time and keep on adding it to the itemsource.sourcecollection.So wanted to know at what point will i see performance degradation(E.g- Slow pagination or slow scrolling response )

    Just FYI- Each item has 37 properties but I only show around 10 properties in 10 columns. Thanks.

  • Posted 20 January 2020, 11:01 pm EST

    Hi Kinjalk,

    FlexGrid is highly optimized for a large number of data set. The performance will not decrease even if you will use a very large number of data. You may verify the same by referring to the sample link below:

    In the above sample, change the number of items to 1 million.

    All you need to make sure is that the height and width of the FlexGrid should not be very large because if the dimensions of the FlexGrid is large, then it will not be able to virtualize the cells and the performance can downgrade.



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