RichTextBox multiple pages

Posted by: roland.lee on 16 May 2024, 5:53 am EST

  • Posted 16 May 2024, 5:53 am EST

    Hello. Ive implemented a report where the HTML content is in RichTextBoxes that may span multiple pages - the problem is the text between pages may get cut off - see attached. Is there a way to prevent this?



  • Posted 16 May 2024, 9:24 pm EST

    Hi Roland,

    A similar issue related to RichTextBox HTML Text splitting at page margins has been reported before which has been fixed in ActiveReports v17.2.1 and above, if you are using an older version of ActiveReports we’ll suggest upgrading to ActiveReports v17.2.1 or above by downloading the same from here: Download Version History.

    However, if you are facing this issue with any version greater than v17.2.1 then please share a minimal sample that replicates the issue so we can replicate the same on our end and further investigate the issue.



  • Posted 17 May 2024, 12:48 am EST

    Hi Anand.

    Thanks for the reply. We are on 18.0.

    The text splitting happens occasionally but not often so Im not sure I can supply a minimal sample. The way I can think of to replicate this is in a code-based section report, 2 richtextboxes on top of each other and add a lot of listitems in an unordered list and set as html to both richtextboxes and export to pdf. There is a chance that the text will be chopped off and part of it will be in the 1st page and part of it is in the 2nd page.

    Ill see what else I can do on my end for a project.



  • Posted 19 May 2024, 4:15 pm EST

    Hi Roland,

    Can you please also try switching your Report’s ‘CompatabilityMode’ between ‘GDI’ and ‘CrossPlatform’ Compatability to test if it fixes your issue?

    We tried replicating the issue on our end by using a Code-Based SectionReport having a RichTextBox on top of another RichTextBox both having 30 unordered list items, however, the issue does not seem to replicate on our end when previewing or exporting the reports to PDF. We tested with body ‘GDI’ and ‘CrossPlatform’ compatibility modes.

    We have attached our sample to this response for your reference. However, if the issue persists please try sharing a sample that replicates the issue or modify our attached sample such that it replicates the issue so we can test the issue on our end or share it with our development team in case of a bug.



  • Posted 22 May 2024, 11:56 am EST

    Hi Anand -

    GDI and CrossPlatform toggle didnt do much.

    Ya. its very hit or miss and happens occasionally. Still working on a definite hit on the behavior. The only other thing I can add that we are doing is the bottom richtextbox’s Top property gets set to the Top + Height of the 1st rich textbox so that they are on top of each other on detail_print. We are also using a lot of classes and css in a style tag - toggling line height, padding and margins for the lists.



  • Posted 22 May 2024, 5:24 pm EST

    Hi Roland,

    >> The only other thing I can add that we are doing is the bottom richtextbox’s Top property gets set to the Top + Height of the 1st rich textbox so that they are on top of each other on detail_print.

    We’ve implemented the same in our previously attached sample but are unable to replicate the issue on our end.

    In order to be able to debug the cause of the issue we’ll need to go through a sample that replicates the issue, you may also modify our previously attached sample to add your custom classes/code in order to replicate the issue so we can debug the same.



  • Posted 23 May 2024, 7:16 am EST

    Hi Anand.

    Attached is a sample project with the issue. the project loads json files and exports Active Reports18 section report to PDF. Cutoff happens to a few of the pdfs created.



  • Posted 23 May 2024, 8:54 pm EST - Updated 23 May 2024, 8:59 pm EST

    Hi Roland,

    Running the project at first gave us the ‘The signing certificate could not be located. Ensure that it is in the current user’s personal store.’ error due to the added reference to the ‘PFX’ file for signing the exported PDFs. So we removed the Signing references from the project in order to run and test the project.

    However, running and exporting the reports to PDF this time worked as expected, and no RichTextBox text seemed to overlap/cut off each other.

    We are using ActiveReports v18.0.1 to export the report to PDF. Please find attached the exported PDFs for your reference.

    To sign your PDFs you can sign them at the time of export using the ‘PDFExport.Signature’ property, you may learn more about the same here: Digital Signature Pro.



  • Posted 24 May 2024, 12:27 am EST - Updated 24 May 2024, 12:29 am EST

    Hi Anand.

    Sorry about the digital sig. Forgot to remove that. I think Ive found the issue - its the true type font we are using - Arial and other default fonts seem to be fine. Ill attach the TTF and please install and try again.



  • Posted 24 May 2024, 12:30 am EST - Updated 24 May 2024, 12:45 am EST

    these 2 get cut off with the ttf.

    Roderick O.

    When I removed, P Anthony Sammi and Michele Johnson pdfs show cutoff between page 1 and 2

  • Posted 26 May 2024, 9:04 pm EST

    Hi Roland,

    We were able to replicate the issue with your provided font, therefore, we have escalated the issue to our development team (Reference ID: AR-33534) for their insights on the same.

    We’ll let you know of any updates we get from them.



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