Scroll bar with small wijmo cell not showing right height

Posted by: pmithilesh on 18 February 2023, 6:26 am EST

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    Posted 18 February 2023, 6:26 am EST - Updated 18 February 2023, 6:31 am EST

    Hi ,

    I have created a wijmo grid and adjusted the cell height to be very small like 18 px

    My scroll bar still show same height as if the cell height is bigger and not working correctly as shown in image

    There are 130 items in the list but scroll bar is too big and confusing user how much they have to scroll

    is there a way to give right scroll bar height

    Css (myGrid id of wijmo grid)

    #mygrid.wj-flexgrid .wj-cell {

    min-height: 18px !important;

    padding: 0px;

    font-size: 10px;

    // padding-right: 10px;

    height: 18px !important;

    // width: 100%;


  • Posted 19 February 2023, 5:13 pm EST


    Sorry, but we are unable to replicate the issue on our end, as there is no such behavior observed on our side. Could you please share a sample in which the issue can be replicated so that we can investigate the issue and assist you accordingly?

    Here is the sample, in which we tried to replicate the issue -

    In case, if there is something we missed, please let us know.


  • Posted 20 February 2023, 1:43 am EST

    Hi vivek,

    The issue was from my side (css) every thing is working correctly


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