Report Bursting to email

Posted by: damien.murray on 15 August 2023, 8:30 pm EST

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    Posted 15 August 2023, 8:30 pm EST


    Is there a way to burst active reports saved as pdf to an inbox on a schedule?

    Thanks for your help


  • Posted 16 August 2023, 7:08 pm EST

    Hi Damien,

    To send an email from a JavaScript application with an attachment using SMTP, you will need a backend server to handle the email sending process. You cannot directly send emails from a frontend application due to security restrictions.

    You can export the PDF to a blob and send it back to a server to send emails.

    For exporting a report to PDF please refer to the following lines of code:

    import { Core,PdfExport } from "@grapecity/activereports";
    async function sendEmail(){
      let reportId='report.rdlx-json';
      const report = new Core.PageReport();
      await report.load(reportId);
      var document = await
      var result=await exportPdf(document);
      // Use this blob to send email
    async function exportPdf(document){
      const pdfSettings= {  info: {  title: "report"  } }
      const result = await PdfExport.exportDocument(document, pdfSettings);
      //"report"); // use this to download PDF file
      return result.blob;  

    For sending emails I would suggest you to use nodemailer.

    For more information, on exporting report to PDF please refer to the following pages of our documentation:

    Printing and exporting the report output



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