Wordwrap is affecting

Posted by: sreepriya.ameti on 19 September 2021, 6:33 pm EST

  • Posted 19 September 2021, 6:33 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 10:43 pm EST


    This query is regarding wordwrap applied to single cell.

    Consider a cell with wordwrap true and in the adjacent cell place an image cell.

    Once you enter some long text and wordwrap applied, you observe the row size increasing larger than the text size. I suppose it is considering the adjacent image cell pixels and increasing the row height, even though Image cell word wrap is set to false.

    I have tested the same scenario in Grapecity spread designer and it is working absolutely fine there. I would like to know what method is being used in designer to set wordwrap.

    Here, in our application we are using GetPreferredRowHeight() to set wordwrap.

    I also tried using Row.GetPreferredHeight() but still that doesnt work in our application.

    Can you please let us know if we are missing something over here.

    Attaching Images :

    our application image:

    Grapecity Spread image :

  • Posted 19 September 2021, 6:35 pm EST

    Sorry, Ignore the title that was incomplete actually



  • Posted 20 September 2021, 3:04 pm EST

    Hi Sreepriya,

    We are getting the same behavior in designer, the height gets adjusted taking the image into account. We have escalated this to the development team to get their insights on this issue and will let you know when we have an update.

    [Internal Tracking ID: SPNET-20604]

    Could you please let us know what version of Spread you are using?

    The GetPreferredRowHeight() returns the height taking all of the cells into account including the Image cell.



  • Posted 7 November 2021, 3:52 pm EST

    Hi Sreepriya,

    As per the dev team, It is the intended behavior. The auto row height feature (or get via GetPreferredRowHeight API) intends to return the minimum height, which makes sure that all cells in the row will display their content fully. In this case, the row height must be at least the image height.



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