Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null

Posted by: arulventhan.palanimuthu on 31 July 2018, 6:41 pm EST

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    Posted 31 July 2018, 6:41 pm EST - Updated 29 September 2022, 5:52 am EST


    Please give me an solution for following error

    Error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getBoundingClientRect’ of null

     hTIV_: function(e, t, n) {
                        var r, o, i, a, l, c, d, g, v, _, m, w, I, y, b, S, H, T, L, P = this,
                            E = P.grid,
                            A = !1,
                            D = E.columns,
                            M = D.length,
                            F = E.uid + "-" + e,
                            G = document.getElementById(F),
                            O = G.getBoundingClientRect(),
                            N = E.gSO_(x),
                            W = n + N.top - O.top,
                            k = n - O.top,
                            V = P.aARA_("top") ? P.options.rowHeight : 0;
       if (k >= V && k < P.fixedHeaderHeight_ + V) return f.call(P, G, t, n);
                        if (C.hG_(E)) {
                            r = 0;
                            var q = P.getRowMargins_();
                            if (W -= q.top, P.aARA_(Q)) {
                                if (L = P.gRH_(-1, e), L >= W) return h(E, e, t, n);
                                W -= L, r += L
                            for (a = 0, l = E.data.groups.length; l > a; a++) {
                                if (i = E.gI_[a], o = u.call(P, i, W, r, t, n, e)) {
                                    o.area = e;
                                W -= i.height, r += i.height
                            if (P.aARA_(ee) && a === l && (L = P.gRH_(-1, e), L >= W)) return h(E, e, t, n)
                        } else if (c = P.getRowInfoAt_(W, x), c && !c.outsideRange) {
                            y = c.isNewRow ? -1 : c.index;
                            var j = c.isHierarchyFooter,
                                U = c.nodeInfo;
                            b = C.createID(E.uid, e, y, null, U);
                            var z, X = !1;
                            if (!j) {
                                for (S = document.getElementById(b), a = 0; M > a; a++)
                                    if (X = !1, I = D[a], d = S.querySelector(".c" + a), !d && I.visible && P.gCP_(I, te) && (z = P.gSARI_(b, a), d = document.getElementById(C.createID(E.uid, e, z.relativeIndex, null, z.nodeInfo)).querySelector(".c" + a), X = !0), d && C.poIP_(E, t, n, d.getBoundingClientRect())) {
                                        if (X && (y = X ? z.relativeIndex : y, U = z.nodeInfo), g = a, T = d.querySelector(".gc-node-indicator"), T && C.poIP_(E, t, n, T.getBoundingClientRect(), E.isTouchMode ? B : 0)) {
                                            A = !0;
                                        if (D[a].action)
                                            for (H = d.querySelectorAll("[data-action]"), v = 0, _ = H.length; _ > v; v++) C.poIP_(E, t, n, H[v].getBoundingClientRect()) && (w = H[v].getAttribute("data-action"), m = {
                                                name: w,
                                                handler: E.getActionInfo_(I.id, w, "handler")
                                R.isUndefined(g) && (m = p.call(P, D, t, n))
                            o = {
                                area: e,
                                row: y,
                                column: g
                            }, c.isNewRow && (o.isNewRow = c.isNewRow), A && (o.onTreeExpandToggle = !0), m && (o.action = m), U && (o.nodeInfo = U), j && (S = document.getElementById(b), S && (o.column = s.call(P, S, t, n)), o.isHierarchyFooter = !0)
                        } else o = null;
                        return o
  • Posted 1 August 2018, 9:05 pm EST


    It’s difficult to comment on the error you are getting without looking at the running sample. Hence, can you please share your small stripped out working sample replicating the issue along with exact steps to follow so that we can investigate this issue further and provide you with some fix.



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