Convert Wijmo Styles to SpreadJs

Posted by: Kevin.Happe on 15 March 2024, 9:12 am EST

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    Posted 15 March 2024, 9:12 am EST

    We have a custom Wijmo theme/style.

    I’m looking for an easy way to create the equilavent theme for SpreadJs.

    Is there a tool available that will create a SpreadJs theme based on a Wijmo theme?

  • Posted 17 March 2024, 7:37 pm EST


    No, currently, there isn’t a tool available that can generate a SpreadJS theme based on a wijmo theme. However, you have the option to use an external theme alongside the default SpreadJS theme. For instance, you can integrate a Bootstrap theme with SpreadJS. Additionally, SpreadJS supports the jQuery UI theme. Refer this demo for external theme:

    If you prefer to define a custom theme, you’ll need to define it similarly to how built-in themes are defined in SpreadJS. Refer this demo for built-in themes:



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