Ctrl+Z is not working if we delete cell value by using Del key

Posted by: pooja.bansal on 22 October 2023, 9:52 pm EST

  • Posted 22 October 2023, 9:52 pm EST

    We are using Spread js 16 in our web application.

    When we delete any cell value using delete key on keyboard and then try to restore it using CTRL+Z is it not working. However, when we delete any cell value using mouse event - “Clear Contents” options and then try to restore it using CTRL+Z it works fine.

    Please reply asap.


    Pooja Bansal

  • Posted 23 October 2023, 12:03 am EST - Updated 23 October 2023, 12:08 am EST

    Hi Pooja,

    I tested with the latest version of SpreadJS and the undo functionality seems to be working fine at my end. Kindly refer to the following sample and the gif that I have tested with.

    Sample: https://jscodemine.grapecity.com/share/owRbeYl0VUmrMX3u1gYVBQ/?defaultOpen={"OpenedFileName"%3A["%2Findex.html"%2C"%2Fsrc%2Fapp.js"%2C"%2Fpackage.json"]%2C"ActiveFile"%3A"%2Fpackage.json"}

    Could you share us a minimal working sample replicating the issue? You may also modify the above sample and share it with us replicating the issue.

    Please also refer to the gif and let me know if I am missing any step.



  • Posted 25 October 2023, 8:13 pm EST


    We have explicitly registered del key command to delete the single/multiple values from Spread JS. Below is the code -

    private registerDeleteButton(spread: GC.Spread.Sheets.Workbook) {

      canUndo: false,
      execute: (context, options) => {
            const activeSheetIndex = spread.getActiveSheetIndex();
            const activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet();
            let selectionObj = this.spreadService.setSelectionsParameters(spread);
            let isDefinitionColumn :boolean = false;
            let isLockedCell : boolean = false;
            let isDeleted : boolean = false;
            if(selectionObj && selectionObj?.selections.length > 0) {
            for(let i = selectionObj.beginRow; i < selectionObj.endRow; i++)
              for(let j = selectionObj.beginCol; j < selectionObj.endCol; j++)
                isDefinitionColumn = false;
                isLockedCell = false;
              // prevent deleting value from definition column
               let areaName : string = this.spreadService.getAreaName(activeSheetIndex, i);
               if (this.spreadService.isDefinitionColumn(activeSheetIndex, areaName, j))
               isDefinitionColumn = true;
               if(activeSheet.getCell(i, j).locked())
                isLockedCell = true;
               if(!isDefinitionColumn && !isLockedCell)
                **  activeSheet.setValue(i, j, "");**
                  isDeleted= true; 
           return isDeleted;
        }, KeyCodes.Delete, false, false, false, false);


    The line - activeSheet.setValue(i, j, “”); is the reason of not working undo functionality.

    If we comment this line undo is working fine but delete functionality stops working.

    Kindly guide on this asap.


    Pooja Bansal

  • Posted 26 October 2023, 5:41 pm EST - Updated 26 October 2023, 5:46 pm EST

    Hi Pooja,

    Thanks for sharing the code snippet with us. As per my understanding, you don’t want to delete the values for some cells when the delete key is pressed based on some condition. To achieve this functionality, you need to make the following changes in the code:

    1. Disable the default Delete Key command. For this, you could pass “undefined” first parameter to the setShortCutKey() function. Refer to the following code snippet:
     // Disable the default key command
    1. Register a custom command with undo functionality that takes the parameters like “sheetName” and “selection” and then conditionally sets the value on the Cell. Please note that you obtain the “selection” parameter from “options” and not directly access inside the “execute” function of the command as this will break the undo functionality.

    Also, kindly set the “canUndo” option of the command to true. Kindly refer to the following code snippet:

        // Define the Custom Command
        var command = {
            canUndo: true,
            execute: function (context, options, isUndo) {
                var Commands = GC.Spread.Sheets.Commands;
                options.cmd = "customDeleteCommand";
                if (isUndo) {
                    Commands.undoTransaction(context, options);
                    return true;
                } else {
                    Commands.startTransaction(context, options);
                    // Get the SheetName From options
                    let sheet = context.getSheetFromName(options.sheetName);
                    // Get the Selection from Options
                    let selection = options.selection;
                    for (let i = selection.row; i < selection.row + selection.rowCount; i++) {
                        for (let j = selection.col; j < selection.col + selection.colCount; j++) {
                            // Check for Custom Condition 
                            if (j !== 6) {
                                sheet.setValue(i, j, null);
                    Commands.endTransaction(context, options);
                    return true;
        // Get the Command Manager's instance
        var commandManager = spread.commandManager();
        // Register the Custom Delete Command
        commandManager.register("customDeleteCommand", command);
    1. Register a command for the delete key and pass the parameters to the custom command created in step no.2. Refer to the following code snippet:
                canUndo: false,
                execute: (context, options) => {
                    let activeSheet = context.getActiveSheet();
                    let selection = activeSheet.getSelections()[0];
                    // Pass the sheetName and Selection as command options
                        cmd: "customDeleteCommand", sheetName: activeSheet.name()
                        , selection: selection
            }, GC.Spread.Commands.Key.del, false, false, false, false);

    Sample: https://jscodemine.grapecity.com/share/Fhmd3SdeoUCbCEyIwsZSRA/?IsEmbed=false&Theme=Unset&PreviewDirection=0&IsEditorShow=true&IsExplorerShow=true&IsPreviewShow=true&IsConsoleShow=true&IsRunBTNShow=false&IsResetBTNShow=false&IsOpenInCodemineBTNShow=false&PanelWidth=20&PanelWidth=50&PanelWidth=30&defaultOpen={"OpenedFileName"%3A["%2Fsrc%2Fapp.js"]%2C"ActiveFile"%3A"%2Fsrc%2Fapp.js"}

    In the above sample, you cannot delete the contents of the column “G” using the delete key. Further, if you delete any other cell contents, you will be able to undo/redo the action.

    If the issue still persists for you, kindly share us a minimal working sample along with your exact use case. This will help us in understanding your issue and to resolve it quickly.

    You could also refer to the following demo that shows how you could achieve the undo/redo functionality for a custom command: https://www.grapecity.com/spreadjs/demos/features/worksheet/actions/custom-action/purejs


    register method: https://www.grapecity.com/spreadjs/api/v15/classes/GC.Spread.Commands.CommandManager#register

    setShortcutKey method: https://www.grapecity.com/spreadjs/api/v15/classes/GC.Spread.Commands.CommandManager#setshortcutkey



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