Bento number input inside flexgrid cell not working in chrome

Posted by: gvsatishvarma on 13 July 2022, 10:57 pm EST

  • Posted 13 July 2022, 10:57 pm EST

    Bento number input inside flex grid cell not working in chrome. On click of increment or decrement button its opening Wijmo grid editor. instead showing the increment/decrement value in input box. Can some one please look into it and do the needful.

    Thanks & Regards,```

    • "```
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    <wj-flex-grid #flexGrid class=“bento-flex-grid” [autoClipboard]=“false” [headersVisibility]=“‘Column’”

    [(itemsSource)]=“dgRoleCategoryInfo” (initialized)=“gridInitialized()”>

    <wj-flex-grid-column [header]=“‘Task Category’” [editor]=“taskCatagory” [width]=“280”>

    <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]=“‘Cell’” let-item=“item” let-cell=“cell” let-row=“row”>

    <wj-combo-box (ngModelChange)=“cbRoleTaskCategory_SelectionChanged($event, item, cell)” [displayMemberPath]=“‘Name’”

    [(ngModel)]=“item.RoleId” [selectedValuePath]=“‘Id’” class=“dropdown-styles”

    [itemsSource]=“dTaskCategories” [showDropDownButton]=“true”>

    <wj-flex-grid-column [header]=“‘Overdue’” [width]=“95”>

    <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]=“‘Cell’” let-item=“item” let-cell=“cell” let-row=“row” aria-disabled=“true”>

    <bento-number-input [(ngModel)]=“item.PurpleSeverityDays” (ngModelChange)=“onClickHideDiv($event)”>

    <wj-flex-grid-column [header]=“‘Urgent’” [width]=“95”>

    <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]=“‘Cell’” let-item=“item” let-cell=“cell” let-row=“row”>

    <bento-number-input [(ngModel)]=“item.RedSeverityDays”>

    <wj-flex-grid-column [header]=“‘Medium’” [width]=“95”>

    <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]=“‘Cell’” let-item=“item” let-cell=“cell” let-row=“row”>

    <bento-number-input [(ngModel)]=“item.YellowSeverityDays”>

    <wj-flex-grid-column [header]=“‘Low’” [width]=“95”>

    <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]=“‘Cell’” let-item=“item” let-cell=“cell” let-row=“row”>

    <bento-number-input [(ngModel)]=“item.GreenSeverityDays”>

    <wj-flex-grid-column [header]=“‘’” [width]=“50”>

    <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]=“‘Cell’” let-item=“item” let-cell=“cell” let-row=“row”>

    <button type=“button” aria-label=“Close” class=“roleDeleteBtn” (click)=“deleteRoleRow(row.index, item)”>

            <wj-combo-box #taskCatagory [itemsSource]="dTaskCategories"></wj-combo-box>
  • Posted 14 July 2022, 9:35 pm EST

    HI Team, If I remove inline styles for the row class div its working fine. what might be the reason any idea.

  • Posted 17 July 2022, 4:36 pm EST


    We apologize for the delyed response, we couldn’t find any information regarding the bento-number-input, therefore we don’t have much information to investigate the issue. Could you please provide a sample to replicate the issue so we can find the root cause and assist you accordingly?


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