Excel Data Import in Wijmo Table

Posted by: mehmetkaya on 13 December 2022, 7:07 pm EST

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    Posted 13 December 2022, 7:07 pm EST - Updated 13 December 2022, 7:12 pm EST

    I can import excel data to my wijmo table with the help of the following codes. Imported data can be seen on the front. Where is the imported data kept as a source? Why is Excel data not assigned to post_data.movement_list after importing? Can you tell me the source where the data went so that I can save the imported data?

  • Posted 14 December 2022, 5:39 pm EST


    Actually, when data from an excel sheet is imported to the flexGrid, it is considered as unboud data and saved internally by the flexGrid, then it is binded with the grid rows accordingly. You will observe that after importing excel data to the flexGrid, the ‘collectionView’ property of the flexGrid is set to null, because the data is binded with each row internally. If you want to store the data, you can define a callback function for the ‘FlexGridXlsxConverter.loadAsync’ method, which is invoked when data is loaded from the excel file, with an instance of the loaded workbook. Now, either you can save this workbook as it is or you can convert the workbook data to data object and set this data object as the flexGrid’s collection view, as per your requirements.

    Please refer to the following sample for it’s implementation - https://jscodemine.grapecity.com/share/90hIlOAK2kKQo6jtaiOjkA/

    You can refer to the following link for more information about ‘FlexGridXlsxConverter.loadAsync’ method - https://www.grapecity.com/wijmo/api/classes/wijmo_grid_xlsx.flexgridxlsxconverter.html#loadasync



  • Posted 20 December 2022, 10:27 pm EST

    Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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