Facing issue in input box to display the text to the left end of the input rat

Posted by: nilesh_nichal on 27 February 2024, 11:31 pm EST

  • Posted 27 February 2024, 11:31 pm EST - Updated 27 February 2024, 11:36 pm EST

    Hi team,

    We are using WjInputNumber input and by default the value is displayed to the right.

    Tried setting the direction property of css to ltr to the underlying input tag, but it is not working. Please provide us the solution to display the text to the left end of the input rather than to the right.

    Please find the attached screenshot for the reference. Here we are using WjInputNumber input and the value inside it 12.00 is coming in the left end, we want to make it in the right end.

    Let us know if anything required from our end.

  • Posted 28 February 2024, 4:20 pm EST

    Hi Nilesh,

    You can set the alignment of the text to the left of the input by setting the “text-align” CSS property for the input element present in the InputNumber control. Please refer to the below CSS for the same:

    .wj-inputnumber input {
      text-align: left !important;

    Please refer to this sample for reference: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-jhicse

    If this is not your requirement or if you have any further queries, then please let me know.

    Thank you.


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