Flex grid rowEditEnding

Posted by: sandeep.a.kurup on 25 October 2022, 7:13 am EST

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    Posted 25 October 2022, 7:13 am EST

    I have an Angular component which contains a flexgrid. This component works in all the pages but not in a bootstrap modal .

    In popup screen, It not adding data in itemsource / rowEditEnding event is not getting called after I clicked out side of the grid. I updated another textbox control values in the modal but still the grid was on edit mode and it does not called rowEditEnding . But the event is getting called / data is getting saved when we click on the grid header / pressing enter key with grid on focus.

    What could be the issue or is there any work around for this? Or how can I manually add data and call the event on lostfocus?

  • Posted 26 October 2022, 7:49 pm EST


    This is a bug, which is now escalated to the dev team for further investigation with internal tracking id WJM-25174. We will update you as soon as we have an update from the dev team. Meanwhile, to avoid this problem, you can invoke the the collectionView’s ‘commitEdit’ method on ‘lostFocus’ event.

    You can refer to the following sample for it’s implementation https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-rqw1jj?file=src/app/flexgrid/flexgrid.component.ts


  • Posted 27 October 2022, 9:09 am EST

    I use wijmo version 5.20173.409 with Angular 7. I am not getting the value updated in collectionView.sourceCollection after grid.collectionView.commitEdit() in lostFocus event.

    I can see the value available in currentEditItem until commitEdit(). After that I am losing this data also.

    Is there any other way to update the sourceCollection with latest values? (After adding a new row OR after updated an existing row)

  • Posted 1 November 2022, 10:51 pm EST

    Hi Sandeep,

    Firstly, you are using quite an older version. And all the fixes would be available in the latest release.

    Further, we tried to replicate the issue at our end on the Wijmo PureJs version due to the older version for Wijmo and Angular and we were unable to replicate the issue at our end.

    Please refer to the https://jsfiddle.net/jurytacx/1/

    Also when the commitEdit() method is called, the currentEditItem would be null and the changes would be updated on the sourceCollection.

    Please check with the sample.

    I use wijmo version 5.20173.409 with Angular 7. I am not getting the value updated in collectionView.sourceCollection after grid.collectionView.commitEdit() in lostFocus event.

    In this case, please check if the currentEditItem is null or not for focus lost. The commitEdit() will work only if the currentEditItem is available.

    If the issue persists, please share the demo sample depicting the issue.


    Manish Gupta

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