Flexgrid Dropdown Closes Immediately on Auto Sized Rows with Large Data

Posted by: bornb on 10 September 2021, 5:47 am EST

  • Posted 10 September 2021, 5:47 am EST

    I am seeing an issue in the flexgrid where if a row has a lot of data in a cell, then has another field with a lot of data in a data map, and the row is autosized. When the cell with the data map is opened, the list of items is shown briefly and then immediately closes, the user is unable to select an item from the list.

    Example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/wijmo-angular-l5wjrj

    Steps to reproduce:

    • "
      • “On the 5th grid row click on the country drop down, it functions as expected”

      • “Click on the Autosize Rows button, this will expand the 5th row so you can see more data in the product field”

      • “Click on the country drop down again in the 5th grid row”

      • The list is briefly shown and then immediately closes


    Thank you in advance!

  • Posted 13 September 2021, 12:14 am EST


    This issue seems to be a bug, we have escalated the issue to our Dev team for further investigation with an internal tracking id WJM-20897. We will let you know as soon as we get any updates on this.

    Meanwhile as a workaround, you can set the height of the dropdown to stop the dropdown from automatically closing. Please refer sample link to the code snippet below:

    .wj-dropdown-panel {
      height: 100px !important;

    sample link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/wijmo-angular-cjrtea?file=src%2Fstyles.css


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