Issue with tooltips in altest Wijmo build

Posted by: taran.twomey on 18 April 2024, 5:56 pm EST

  • Posted 18 April 2024, 5:56 pm EST

    When performing an upgrade to the latest version of Wijmo (5.20241.9) for our Angular application our team noticed a strange bug involving tooltips that use the Wijmo Tooltip class, where rendered tooltips would sometimes get ‘stuck’ and would be permanently visible on the screen, and were not able to be removed. These tooltips are still visible in the DOM, as well as in the browser itself, and cannot be removed even by navigation or closing the dialog that was displaying them, only disappearing when refreshing the page directly.

    This issue appears to be exaggerated by consistent interaction with an element that has a tooltip attached to it, such as a button within a dialog that is causing DOM changes (introducing new elements, opening dialogs etc.).

    I have confirmed that this is an issue that is only present in the latest Wijmo version (5.20241.9), and is not present on the previous version we were using (5.20232.939), as i am not able to trigger it when downgrading.

    When attempting to create a reproducible case for this support thread, I was unsuccessful in replicating the issue via just stackblitz, however this issue can only be caused by the Wijmo upgrade, as when downgraded and upgraded in isolation (i.e no other changes aside from the Wijmo version used), the issue appears (in latest) and disappears (in prior). I have created a stackblitz with an example of how we are using the Tooltip class to showcase our usecase/issue, which you can find here:

    Has this most recent Wijmo update made any changes to Tooltip behaviour that might cause this issue? Is there anything we appear to be doing wrong that might cause these tooltips to get stuck?

  • Posted 22 April 2024, 9:17 pm EST - Updated 22 April 2024, 9:25 pm EST


    Apologies for any inconvenience caused, but after thorough testing, we were unable to replicate the reported issue. We attempted to reproduce it using the Stackblitz sample you provided as well as in our local development environment, but we couldn’t observe the issue in the latest version of Wijmo.

    We have attached a GIF demonstrating the behavior we observed at our end, along with the steps we followed. Please let us know if there are any specific steps we should take to reproduce the issue, and we will do our best to assist you further.


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