should scroll the flex grid

Posted by: nnaina1997 on 20 November 2023, 12:24 am EST

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    Posted 20 November 2023, 12:24 am EST - Updated 20 November 2023, 12:29 am EST


    I have a flexgrid it has a column which has two inputs input1, input2(optional). on it calls tabEvent().

    [code]tabEvent(value: any, type: string, item: any): void {

    var index = this.slListItems.indexOf(item);

    // Function to find the next enabled input element

    const findNextEnabledItem = (startIndex: number, targetType: string): HTMLElement | null => {

    let nextItem: HTMLElement | null = null;

      if (targetType === 'ea') {
        nextItem = document.getElementById(`inputcs${this.slListItems[startIndex + 1]?.productId}`);
      } else if (targetType === 'cs') {
        nextItem = document.getElementById(`inputea${this.slListItems[startIndex]?.productId}`);
        if (nextItem == null || nextItem.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
          // If the 'cs' item is disabled or doesn't exist, check for the next 'cs' item
          nextItem = document.getElementById(`inputcs${this.slListItems[startIndex + 1]?.productId}`);
      if (nextItem && nextItem.hasAttribute('disabled')) {
        // If the next item is disabled, recursively find the next enabled item
        return findNextEnabledItem(startIndex + 1, targetType);
      return nextItem;
    // Introduce a delay before attempting to find the next item
    setTimeout(() => {
      const nextItem = findNextEnabledItem(index, type);
      if (nextItem) {
        this.flexGrid?.scrollIntoView(index, -1);
    }, 100)


    In Html, I have





    (“tabEvent($event,input1.value, ‘cs’, cell.item)”

    id=“inputcs{{ cell.item.productId }}”





    id=“inputea{{ cell.item.productId }}”



    ($event,input2.value, ‘ea’, cell.item)"


    I want to scroll to the flex grid while focusing on inputs while tabbing but it’s breaking. Can you Please suggest.

  • Posted 20 November 2023, 8:17 pm EST

    Hi Naina,

    We tried to implement the code you shared in a sample and found that the scrollIntoView method is causing this issue, you’ll just need to use this method at the top, of your tabEvent method and set the correct row index, like this -

    var index = this.slListItems.indexOf(item);
        this.flexGrid.scrollIntoView(index + 1, -1)

    Please refer to the following sample for the same -

    In case, you still face this issue, please let us know.


  • Posted 22 November 2023, 12:00 am EST

    Hi Vivek

    I am using grouping flex grid here’s the collection

    this.productsData = new wjCore.CollectionView(slListItems, {

    groupDescriptions: [‘classificationHierarchy’]


    tabbing not working on grouped grid data.

  • Posted 22 November 2023, 10:30 pm EST

    Hi Naina,

    In that case, you can set the tabIndex property of the input boxes, and use the rowIndex as the value of tabIndex. You’ll still need to scroll the grid(using scrollIntoView method) by handling the keydown event so that the next row to be focussed can remain visible.

    Please refer to the following updated sample for the same -


  • Posted 23 November 2023, 4:18 am EST - Updated 23 November 2023, 8:09 pm EST

    for Grouped grid,

    change css to this .wj-flexgrid {

    max-height: 310px;

    } and then use the tab key.

    It broke as it couldn’t find any editable field.

    I have added one scenario for a non-grouped grid for that tabbing breaks

  • Posted 23 November 2023, 8:02 pm EST - Updated 23 November 2023, 8:07 pm EST

    [code] <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]=“‘Cell’” let-cell=“cell”>




    (keydown)=“tabEvent(input1.value,‘cs’, cell.item)”

    id=“inputcs{{ }}”

    [disabled]=“ == ‘Japan’ || == ‘Greece’ || == ‘US’|| == ‘Germany’”


        id="inputea{{ }}"
        [disabled]=" == 'Japan' || == 'Greece' || == 'US'|| == 'Germany'"
        (keydown)="tabEvent(input2.value, 'ea', cell.item)"

    try this code with simple grid also this logic breaks

  • Posted 28 November 2023, 5:28 pm EST

    Hi Naina,

    It seems that the grouped rows in the flexgrid are causing this issue. You can use the select method of the grid to select the required cell first and then focus on the input element to avoid this issue.

    Also, in the code snippet you shared, it seems there are some disabled input boxes in the grid, and you want to focus the next editable input box on the tab key press, to implement this, you can iterate over the grid rows to find the next editable input box and then focus it.

    Please refer to the following updated sample for the same -

    In case, you still face any issues, please let us know.


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