Wijmo FlexGrid Tooltip

Posted by: jacob.tony on 21 September 2023, 4:55 pm EST

  • Posted 21 September 2023, 4:55 pm EST

    Hi, I am trying to show a list content in a wjmo flexgrid column, displaying 1 or two clickable list items and ellipsis. Is the functionality available for the user to hover

    over the column, so that other items(which need to be clickable) are visible in a tooltip pane.

  • Posted 24 September 2023, 3:39 pm EST


    To implement the above requirement, we may make use of Wijmo PopUp Control and add a mouseover event to show and hide popUp by making use of the hostElement property of FlexGrid and attaching the above handler to it. Please refer to the below links for reference:

    Sample link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/js-p8sbwk?file=index.js

    API link: https://www.grapecity.com/wijmo/api/classes/wijmo_input.popup.html

    Demo link: https://www.grapecity.com/wijmo/demos/Input/Popup/PopupDialogs/purejs

    You can customize the popup dialog as per your requirements. In case you face any issues then please let us know.


    Sonu Kumar Pandey

  • Posted 26 September 2023, 8:58 pm EST

    Hi, Thanks for the response. The code seems to be working. But I’m getting a console error as

    ERROR ** Assertion failed in Wijmo: Element is already hosting a control. Error.

    Also, in the code in the MouseOverHandler function, wijmo object is used, which is neither declared nor imported. Can you clarify about these

  • Posted 27 September 2023, 4:41 pm EST

    Hi Jacob,

    We apologize, but we are unable to replicate the issue at our end. Could you please let us know if you are facing this error in our above-shared sample as well? If yes, please share a screenshot or video of the exact error and steps to reproduce the issue.

    If you are encountering the issue only in your application and not in the below-shared sample, it might be possible that the issue is caused by some other factors in your application. Therefore, I would request you to please share a small sample replicating the issue. You can also update our above-shared sample to reproduce the issue.

    Regarding the Wijmo instance used in the shared sample, the Wijmo object is exposed on the window, which you can access to get Wijmo control instances or perform globalization culture updates. If you want, you can directly pass the grid and popup instances into the MouseOverHandler function instead of getting the control instance from the DOM element.


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