Request for Optimization of Property Setters

Posted by: ivan.stanojkovski on 21 April 2024, 10:34 pm EST

  • Posted 21 April 2024, 10:34 pm EST - Updated 21 April 2024, 10:39 pm EST


    We are currently conducting performance analysis on our application and have identified a potential bottleneck related to the usage of setters on certain properties within your controls. In particular, when we utilize setters on properties, we observe a significant amount of time being consumed.

    To provide more context, attached to this email, you will find a printscreen of the source code execution, as well as a printscreen from our profiling session using the dotTrace tool.

    As an illustrative example, let’s consider the property NegativeForeColor of type Color within your control. We notice that changing the value of this property seems to incur the most significant time overhead.

    With this in mind, we kindly request if someone from your development team could take a closer look at the implementation of these property setters. Our goal is to optimize the process of setting these properties to enhance overall application performance. We would greatly appreciate any efforts to streamline this aspect and make it as efficient as possible.

    Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Please let us know if you require any further information or assistance from our side.

    Best regards,

  • Posted 22 April 2024, 11:48 pm EST


    We created a sample, a form with 10 C1NumericEdit controls and used your method for performance test. It is taking only 0–2 milliseconds to call the method you provided, which, in our opinion, does not seem significant enough to affect the performance. Please refer to the attached sample, and the screenshot showing time spent on our end.

    Please note that we tested the performance using the latest version of C1Input in NET FrrameWork 4.8. (4.8.20233.643)

    Please test your project with the latest version if you are not using the latest one.

    Are we missing something? Could you please update the sample so that we can observe the time difference on our end?

    Also, please provide us with the following information:

    1. The version of C1Controls you are using. (if not the latest one)
    2. Your machine environment details. (like - OS version, RAM, CPU, etc.)



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