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How to find the Viewer/Designer for ActiveReports


ActiveReports comes with two stand-alone applications for designing and viewing reports. The ActiveReports 12+ Viewer allows users to zoom in on and preview reports, have multiple tabs for hyperlinks, split-page and multi-page view, a Table of Contents pane, a Thumbnails pane, text searches, and annotations. This Viewer is available in both ActiveReports Standard edition and Professional edition.

The ActiveReports 12+ End User Designer is a stand-alone application for creating reports. It is only available in ActiveReports Professional edition.

Steps to Complete:

You may access the applications one of two ways.

First you may navigate to the following folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GrapeCity\ActiveReports XX\Tools

Simply replace the XX with the version of ActiveReports that you would like to use and then select either the GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Viewer.Exe or GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Designer.Exe

Alternatively you would be able to use the start menu and search for ActiveReports XX Designer or ActiveReports XX Viewer


Tyler Barlock