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How to Fix Empty License Manager (GCLM)

If the MESCIUS License Manager (gclm.exe) displays no products, it typically means that you have not installed any product formally through the C1ControlPanel web installer. You can proceed to install a product through C1ControlPanel OR follow the steps below to simulate an installation in order to activate a key through the GCLM.

  1. Navigate to, or create, the following folder: C:\ProgramData\GrapeCity
  2. Create a new folder named "331cf6cd-b73c-429f-ba79-fa2f85eebd68"
    1. This is the product ID for ComponentOne Studio Enterprise, and will allow you to activate a key for Studio Enterprise or a trial extension key (all trial keys are for Studio Enterprise). If you need to activate for a different product, find the corresponding product ID here.
  3. Open Notepad or some text editor and create a new file called ".info" within the product ID folder that contains the following content:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Product Name="ComponentOne Studio Enterprise" />​
  4. Relaunch the GCLM and you should now see Studio Enterprise listed, and can proceed to activate a key.

Hunter Haaf