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How to Import From Other Reporting Solutions to ActiveReports


The article will cover converting from Microsoft Access, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Excel, SSRS, and older versions of ActiveReports to the latest ActiveReports.NET.

Steps To Complete:

  1. Install ActiveReports.NET.
  2. Navigate to the ActiveReports Import tool. This can be found either through searching ActiveReports Import in the start menu, or through the navigating to the folder where ActiveReports was installed and selecting GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Imports.exe. EX: C:\Program Files (x86)\GrapeCity\ActiveReports XX\Tools\GrapeCity.ActiveReports.Imports.exe
  3. Now that the tool is launched, you will be able to choose which report type you would like to import from.
  4. Once you select the report type that you will be converting, you may use the ellipsis to select where the reports are stored.
  5. You will then select where you would like to save the reports, what type of report you would like to convert to from the dropdown (Page, RDL, or Section), and a few options that will be specific to the report type that you are converting from.
  6. Once you click next the conversion process will take place. Once completed you will be able to access the reports from the chosen destination.


You may trial the latest version of ActiveReports here:

Documentation on importing reports: /activereportsnet/docs/latest/online/importing-reports.html

Christian Pacelli

Technical Engagement Engineer