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How to Use Older Controls with New Pipeline License

To use a new pipeline license with older ComponentOne controls (2.0, 4.0, or versions prior to the 2020v2 release), you can follow the steps below to successfully license your application using the controls.


  1. Build the project on a local machine.
  2. The file in the generated "obj" folder or subfolder that ends in ".licenses" will contain the runtime licenses. The licenses file will be of the form "application.exe.licenses" or "assemblyname.dll.licenses".where: "application.exe" is the name of the generated exe/program.              "assemblyname.dll.licenses" is the name of the generated dll library.assembly
  3. The *.licenses file can then be added as an embedded resource, but the resource name MUST BE the same as the name of the *.licenses file (you can check it with ildasm.exe).If the file is embedded from the obj temp directories, it should be embedded with the correct resource name, but this can be inconvenient as the obj folders are often deleted during cleanup.Instead, the *.licenses file can be added from another folder, but a logical name should be added to the project file EmbeddedResource directive (use notepad to manually edit the project file .csproj/.vbproj) with the correct name. For example, if the file "application.exe.licenses" is copied to the project Properties folder:  <ItemGroup>
        <EmbeddedResource Include="Properties\application.exe.licenses" >
  4. Finally, remove the C1 control entries from the Properties\licenses.licx file. Removing these entries will eliminate the need for a design time license during the build. A design time license will still be required to manipulate the controls at design time in the Visual Studio designer.
Each time a new C1 control as added to a form in the application, it will be necessary to repeat the above steps to get a new "application.exe.licenses" file with the additional runtime license.

Hunter Haaf