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Web Deployment & Licensing

You need to recreate the LPK file using the LPK_Tool. Please make sure that the reference of ActiveX control which you are using to create the .LPK file has the same version and type (Light, Unicode, OLE etc.) as the control (say VSFlexGrid .OCX for e.g) used in the application and .CAB file. In the code, please make sure that you set the CLASSID "5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331" along with VIEWASTEXT tag, for the License Manager and use relative paths to LPK file. Please refer the following link for more information:

<OBJECT CLASSID = "clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331" VIEWASTEXT>  
 <PARAM VALUE="relative URL to .LPK file">  

You may refer the following link, which has detailed information on how to add the C1 Chart/VSFlex Grid as the process is same for both, the steps for web deployment of the VS FlexGrid control will also be similar. Location of CAB files on your computer say for e.g VSFlexGrid would be: C:\Program Files\ComponentOne\VS FlexGrid Pro 8.0\cabs or as per the new build installed: C:\Program Files\ComponentOne\ActiveX