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Hotfix v2 SP1 Available for GrapeCity Documents

We've released a hotfix for all packages in GrapeCity Documents, a line of high-speed APIs for PDF, Excel, Word, and Imaging.

GrapeCity Documents for Pdf

Changes from version


  • Filling methods of GcPdfGraphics (FillRectangle, FillBrush etc) using an opaque gradient brush generated semitransparent result when called after a filling method that used a semitransparent color. (DOC-1122)
  • GcPdfDocument.GetText() and Page.GetText() methods failed to return the correct result for certain PDF files. (DOC-1091)

Read the release notes

GrapeCity Documents for Excel .NET 2.1.5



  • Reference GcPdf v2.1.0.267

Bugs Fixed

  • The column width, font size and picture's left position changes after JSON I/O with GcExcel.(DOCXLS-902)
  • The cell font changes after JSON I/O with GcExcel.(DOCXLS-921)
  • Excel file is not saved properly on performing multiple operations like opening and saving the template file simultaneously.(DOCXLS-928)
  • Visible property of secondary category axis returns incorrect value.(DOCXLS-849)
  • The major and minor units of value axis of stacked area chart return incorrect value.(DOCXLS-805)
  • The major and minor units of value axis for 100% stacked chart return incorrect value.(DOCXLS-800)
  • The data label's text returns incorrect value when Axis.DisplayUnit is set. (DOCXLS-768)
  • Exception is thrown on opening json file that contains invalid formula.(DOCXLS-948)

Read the release notes

GrapeCity Documents for Word

Changes from version

  • Synced version with other GrapeCity.Documents packages.

Read the release notes

GrapeCity Documents for Imaging

Changes from version

  • Synced version with other GrapeCity.Documents packages.

Read the release notes

GcExcel Java 2.1.5

Bugs fixed

  • The column width, font size and picture's left position changes after JSON I/O with GcExcel.(DOCXLS-902)
  • The cell font changes after JSON I/O with GcExcel.(DOCXLS-921)
  • Visible property of secondary category axis returns incorrect value.(DOCXLS-849)
  • The major and minor units of value axis of stacked area chart return incorrect value.(DOCXLS-805)
  • The major and minor units of value axis for 100% stacked chart return incorrect value.(DOCXLS-800)
  • The data label's text returns incorrect value when Axis.DisplayUnit is set. (DOCXLS-768)
  • Exception is thrown on opening json file that contains invalid formula.(DOCXLS-948)

Read the release notes

Shilpa Sharma - Product Manager

Shilpa Sharma

Product Manager
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