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What's New in ActiveReportsJS 4.2

We are happy to announce the release of ActiveReportsJS v4.2. In this update, we are excited to introduce several features and enhancements to continue to improve your reporting experience, from increased Report Designer customization and dynamic themes to allowing CSV data providers and a new Svelte wrapper.

Report Designer Customization

The Report Designer component now features a comprehensive customization API. This powerful tool enables precise configuration of the user interface, offering a range of customization options:

  • Sidebar Customization: Control the visibility and arrangement of sidebar items.

  • Menu and Toolbar Adjustments: Fine-tune the appearance and functionality of menus and toolbars.

  • Data Panel Editing: Enable or disable editing capabilities in the data panel, tailoring it to your needs.

  • Extensive UI Configurations: Enjoy the flexibility to modify various aspects of the user interface, adapting the Report Designer to fit your specific requirements.

You can find extensive documentation about the customization API on the Designer Customization Documentation page. You can also find code samples of the implementation for JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue on the Designer Customization Demo page.

Svelte Wrappers for ActiveReportsJS

While we previously supported Svelte, we did so through our JavaScript library. With the increase in popularity of the Svelte framework, we’ve added more support by implementing Svelte wrappers for the Report Viewer and Report Designer components. This will help developers seamlessly integrate ActiveReportsJS into their Svelte applications.

For more information and guidance, check out the following resources:

CSV Data Provider

Previously, developers were restricted to JSON data providers; with the release of the new version, we’ve added support for CSV data providers. The CSV Data Provider enhances report data management by allowing authors to bind reports to CSV data sources. This feature enables:

  • Web API Integration: Configure connections to Web APIs that retrieve data in CSV format.

  • File-based Data Handling: Connect to and utilize CSV files directly.

  • Embedded Data Support: Embed CSV data straight into your reports for streamlined processing.

Check out our Data Binding Documentation page for detailed information about CSV data configurations. The CSV Data Binding Demo shows the feature in action.

Dynamic Report Themes

Dynamic Report Themes introduce the ability for developers to set report themes at runtime, allowing users to select their report theme in-app. This not only boosts the visual appeal of your reports, but also provides the flexibility to align them with various branding styles seamlessly.

Explore the Themed Report Demo to observe the dynamic theme switching in action.

Ready to See What's New? Download ActiveReportsJS Today!

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