Load PDF Filee in WebViewer

Posted by: ricgom731 on 1 July 2019, 3:11 am EST

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    Posted 1 July 2019, 3:11 am EST

    Good day.

    Is it possible to do the following?

    I have a pdf file in C: \ PDFS \ Tes.pdf and I need to upload it to a MVC web application through an “ActiveReportsWeb: WebViewer” control.

    Is it possible to load the file and deploy it?

    I do the following to display reports made in the Active reports editor.

    GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReport rpt;

    rpt = new MyReport;

    rpt.DataSource = ListData;

    return PartialView (“WebViewer”, rpt);

    In a .aspx file

    void Page_Load ()


                // AR7: load the report to web viewer
    WebViewer1.Report = Model;

    //WebViewer1.Report = (GrapeCity.ActiveReports.SectionReport) ViewData [“Report”];


    </ script>

    <ActiveReportsWeb: WebViewer ID = “WebViewer1” runat = “server” height = “98%” width = “98%” ViewerType = “AcrobatReader” Visible = “true”> </ ActiveReportsWeb: WebViewer>

    But what I need is to display a PFD file that I have in a physical path. It’s possible?

  • Posted 1 July 2019, 2:34 pm EST


    It is not possible to view the PDF file in the WebViewer. However, you can use the “FlexViewer” of C1Studio(Asp.Net MVC) to view the PDF file. Please refer to the following documentation link:




    Hope it helps.


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