How to get data from Canvas

Posted by: jothivignesh.c on 22 April 2019, 11:49 pm EST

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    Posted 22 April 2019, 11:49 pm EST

    Hi Team,

    I am trying to fetch the data from our Application. In our application SpreadJS is showing as Canvas on DOM Structure. I am unable get any cell data. Could any one help me on this?

    Thanks in Advance.

  • Posted 23 April 2019, 4:53 am EST

    Using jQuery : var spread = $(‘#element-used-to-load-spread’).data(‘workbook’)

  • Posted 23 April 2019, 6:37 pm EST


    adisa.craig Thanks for the reply.

    I am using Selenium for Automation. Any idea how to get data using Selenium. While inspecting in DOM it is showing as Canvas.

  • Posted 23 April 2019, 11:47 pm EST


    In case to Selenium, you need to get the spreadInstance and then use its getValue() method to get the value of a cell.

    Please refer to the following code snippet:

    var webDriver = new OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome.ChromeDriver();
                var hostDiv = webDriver.FindElement(By.Id("spreadDiv"));
                //Create spreadJS
                webDriver.ExecuteScript("window.testSpread = new GcSpread.Sheets.Spread(arguments[0]);", hostDiv);
                //Set Cell Value
                //Get cell value
                object value = webDriver.ExecuteScript("return window.testSpread.getActiveSheet().getValue(0,0);");
                Assert.AreEqual("1", value);


  • Posted 24 April 2019, 1:11 am EST


    Could you please help me on how to get the Spread Instance?

    I am completely new to this.

    Here below is our DOM Structure for your reference:

    <canvas id="dataview-spreadJsvp_vp" width="2014" height="1794" style="width: 1007px; height: 897px; cursor: default;">You need a browser which full supports HTML5 Canvas to run SpreadJS</canvas>


  • Posted 24 April 2019, 11:08 pm EST


    You could get the spreadInstance using the findControl method. In the findControl method, we need to pass the host element for the spread. HostElement is the element which is passed in the Workbook constructor when creating the workbook/spreadSheet. Based on the code snippet provided in your application, hostElement for the spread should be the element with id ‘dataview-spreadJs’.

    Please refer to the following code snippet:

    // get hostElement
    var hostDiv = webDriver.FindElement(By.Id("dataview-spreadJs"));
    // get spreadInstance and save it on window object for easy access
    webDriver.ExecuteScript("window.testSpread = new GC.Spread.Sheets.findControl(arguments[0]);", hostDiv);
    // get Cell value of cell 0,0
    var value = webDriver.ExecuteScript("return window.testSpread.getActiveSheet().getValue(0,0);");
    // test value
     Assert.AreEqual("1", value);

    Further please let us know in which environment you are using Selenium, like is it java or nodeJS. Also if the issue persists for you, please share a small sample replicating the issue so that we could investigate it further.


  • Posted 17 June 2019, 6:48 pm EST

    Hi Team,

    I am trying to automate a spreadjs web application using protractor. I am not able to find any cell, row, column etc on spreadjs using locators as it is inside a canvas.

    Below is the example:

    Please suggest how to find an element inside a canvas.

    Also kindly suggest which tool should I use to automate(protractor/selenium) spreadjs web application which is a js website.


    Aseem Malhotra

  • Posted 18 June 2019, 3:29 pm EST

    Hi Aseem,

    For automated testing, first, you need to get the instance of the spreadjs Workbook object and then use the various methods like getValue(), getColumnCount() etc provided by the spread to test various functionalities.

    We have prepared a sample to demonstrate the process using protractor. Please refer to the attached sample and let us know if you face any issues. In the attached sample, first, run ‘npm install’ command to install protractor and then run ‘npm run test’ command to execute the test cases.

    • SpreadJS API:

    Also, SpreadJs doesn’t require any special testing framework or tool so you may use any testing tool of your liking.



  • Posted 25 June 2019, 1:43 am EST

    Hi Team,

    I am using the below code

    js.executeScript("return window.testSpread.getActiveSheet().setValue(" + ri + "," + ci + ",\"22,00\");");

    to set values in SpreadJS. I am able to set the values. But it is not saved. After saving the old value remains. Could any one help me on this.

    Thanks in Advance

  • Posted 25 June 2019, 3:23 pm EST


    This post seems duplicate. Please refer to the following thread:


  • Posted 6 February 2020, 12:24 am EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 1:16 am EST

    Hi Sharad,

    I am trying to implement @grapecity/spread-sheets in a typescript file, and trying to execute GC.Spread.Sheets, it throws below error : -

    [12:38:08] I/launcher - Running 1 instances of WebDriver

    [12:38:08] I/direct - Using ChromeDriver directly…

    DevTools listening on ws://

    [12:38:20] E/launcher - Error: ReferenceError: document is not defined

    Attached is the structure of libraries.

    And following is the implementation of protractor in vs code : -

    import * as GC from ‘@grapecity/spread-sheets’;

    fit(‘test GC’, () => {



        let isSpreadCreated = browser.executeScript(function (id) {
            let spreadInstance = GC.Spread.Sheets.findControl(id);
            return !!spreadInstance;
        }, 'ss');

    Had been struggling with the issue for almost a week now, did not any references on the internet for .ts files. Please help, it is really urgent.

    Many thanks,



    Hi Aseem,

    For automated testing, first, you need to get the instance of the spreadjs Workbook object and then use the various methods like getValue(), getColumnCount() etc provided by the spread to test various functionalities.

    We have prepared a sample to demonstrate the process using protractor. Please refer to the attached sample and let us know if you face any issues. In the attached sample, first, run ‘npm install’ command to install protractor and then run ‘npm run test’ command to execute the test cases.

    • SpreadJS API:

    Also, SpreadJs doesn’t require any special testing framework or tool so you may use any testing tool of your liking.




  • Posted 6 February 2020, 9:27 pm EST

    Hi Bhuvnesh,

    Could you please share a small sample replicating the issue that we could investigate



  • Posted 9 February 2020, 2:13 am EST

    Hi Sharad,

    Please find attached the zip.




    Hi Bhuvnesh,

    Could you please share a small sample replicating the issue that we could investigate




  • Posted 9 February 2020, 8:23 pm EST

    Hi Bhuvnesh,

    The issue in the attached project is that you are importing the GC module in the spec file, now spec executes in node context instead of the browser where the document object is not available. So rather than importing the GC module in the spec file, we should use the GC object exposed on the window context in the sample. Update the myspec.ts file as below and that should fix the issue:

    let isSpreadCreated = browser.executeScript(function (id) {
        let spreadInstance = window["GC"].Spread.Sheets.findControl(id);
        return !!spreadInstance;
    }, 'ss');
  • Posted 10 February 2020, 5:13 pm EST

    Hi Sharad,

    Now I get below error : -


    Failed: javascript error: Cannot read property ‘Spread’ of undefined

    (Session info: chrome=80.0.3987.87)

    (Driver info: chromedriver=79.0.3945.16 (93fcc21110c10dbbd49bbff8f472335360e31d05-refs/branch-heads/3945@{#262}),platform=Windows NT 10.0.17763 x86_64)


    JavascriptError: javascript error: Cannot read property ‘Spread’ of undefined

    (Session info: chrome=80.0.3987.87)

    (Driver info: chromedriver=79.0.3945.16 (93fcc21110c10dbbd49bbff8f472335360e31d05-refs/branch-heads/3945@{#262}),platform=Windows NT 10.0.17763 x86_64)

    Please suggest.



  • Posted 10 February 2020, 11:14 pm EST

    It looks like your in your main application spread-sheets is added as npm modules. In this case, we also need to expose the GC module on the window object from our main application.

    Add the following line in your main.js file of the application(actual project file, not in specs file):

    import * as GC from "@grapecity/spread-sheets";
    window["GC"] = GC;
  • Posted 11 February 2020, 5:05 pm EST

    Hi Sharad,

    Placed it in onPrepare of conf.js, however I am getting the same error - “document is not defined”.

    Please suggest.



  • Posted 30 March 2020, 5:43 am EST

    Hello everybody,

    how do i use findcontrol in version 9?

  • Posted 30 March 2020, 5:29 pm EST


    You may use the findControl method in SJS 9 in the following way:

    var spread = GcSpread.Sheets.findControl(document.getElementById("idOfSJSDiv"));
  • Posted 30 March 2020, 9:36 pm EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 1:11 am EST

    Good Morning,

    I used the command you sent me, but an error occurred.

    below the SpreadJS html

    You need a browser which full supports HTML5 Canvas to run SpreadJS

    below the python code with selenium I want to run

    browser.execute_script(“var spread = GcSpread.Sheets.findControl(document.getElementById(‘spreadsheetDocumentvp_vp’));alert(spread.getSheetCount());”)

    below the error returned by…

    JavascriptException: Message: javascript error: Cannot read property ‘getSheetCount’ of undefined

    (Session info: chrome=80.0.3987.149)

    please inform me where is my error :frowning:

  • Posted 31 March 2020, 5:18 pm EST

    The id mentioned in the code snippet is not the id of the actual canvas element but the id of the element which was passed as the host element to the spread constructor.

    ex, If the spread is constructed like

    var spread = new GcSpread.Sheets.Spread(document.getElementById('spreadsheetDocument'), { sheetCount: 3 });

    Then you may use the findControl as follows:

    var spread = GcSpread.Sheets.findControl(document.getElementById('spreadsheetDocument');

    Hope this clears, please let us know if you still have some confusion.

  • Posted 1 April 2020, 1:05 am EST - Updated 3 October 2022, 1:11 am EST

    Good Morning.

    your tip worked, thanks.

    for now without further doubts

  • Posted 15 July 2020, 12:21 am EST

    Am using selenuim c# ı can’t get canvas data from webpage , It is so important for me Please Help me

  • Posted 15 July 2020, 6:33 pm EST


    Could you please explain what is the exact issue you are facing? As explained above in this post, we need to use the SpreadJS API method such as getValue() to get cell value.

    Also, to be able to use the spread API methods, you would first need to find the spread instance. Please refer to the following comment:

    If you are unable to access the GC object on the window, then it is possible that spread is added as npm module in which case, we need to expose the GC object on the window ourselves. Refer to following comment:


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