Selected value in Combobox cell is lost when using Chrome version 70

Posted by: joe0569 on 25 October 2018, 2:04 am EST

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    Posted 25 October 2018, 2:04 am EST

    We have had a long stretch of success with Spread in Chrome until users upgraded to Chrome version 70. When we select a value from the the combo box cell, the values are listed properly, however no data is displayed within the cell.

    I’m not sure what was upgraded in Chrome, but the combo box cell functionality appears to work correctly in Firefox, IE11, and Edge. I will confess that we are currently using Spread 8, however we will be upgrading before the end of the year.

    Any assistance you can provide would be appreciated.

  • Posted 25 October 2018, 11:27 pm EST


    This issue not reproducible with the latest version of Spread i.e. v11. I would suggest you to please test our online demo here for ComboBox cell and let me know if you face any issues updating the cell value there.


    Deepak Sharma

  • Posted 31 October 2018, 12:38 am EST

    I tested the demo and it is pretty basic. I don’t see the issue happening, but i am not convinced it will fix the problem with chrome. Where can i download a Spread 11 trial version? I will need to test this out within my application before agreeing that upgrading will solve the issue.

  • Posted 31 October 2018, 5:03 pm EST


    You can download the trial version of Spread .NET v11 from here:


    Deepak Sharma

  • Posted 2 November 2018, 12:49 am EST


    I have upgraded to the trial version of Spread 11 and updated the project references and assemblies in my web.config.

    When I attempt to select an item from a combo box within a cell, the value is still lost when using Chrome 70. Everything appears to work in IE, Firefox, and Edge.

    My web application is rather large, but the page i am displaying binds a dataset to the Spread control, and sets the cell type to combo box through code. When i double click the cell, the drop down values are displayed, however when i select one, the Spread reverts back from a drop down to normal cell with no value displayed.

    I could not get this to happen with your demo, so what should i do next? I can try to make a smaller project and duplicate the issue, but if you have some application code that utilizes a combo box cell type, I am hoping you can perform some basic testing with Chrome v70 also.

  • Posted 4 November 2018, 8:23 pm EST


    I am not able to replicate this issue with the attached sample application created with Spread Studio v11.0. I am also using Chrome v70.0, please refer to the attached images.

    Please test it at your end.

    I would suggest you to please check for the postback on selecting the value from combobox.

    You can make the necessary changes and send it back to me if you can reproduce the issue.



  • Posted 6 November 2018, 4:21 am EST

    Your example works for me too., I have some implementations of Spread where it posts back after a combo value has been selected. My combo box cells display on double click and disappear after a value is selected. I will try and modify your web form and see if i can get it to cause the error.

    I am thinking that maybe my code for postback within combo cell isn’t quite right. Do you have an example? I have been using spread for 25 years, so i may have an older implementation. Here is where the problem may be, on the client side within the page:

    	<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    	    function onComboChange() {
    	        var spread = document.getElementById("<%=sprCourseRequestSlips.ClientID%>"); // get spread object
    	        var value = spread.GetValue(0, 0); // get value from combo box cell
    	        spread.EndEdit(); // need to end edit mode
    	        spread.UpdatePostbackData(); // and update post back data (with change in cell editor control)
    	        //alert("selected " + value + ", click OK to update server!"); // show alert with new value selected
    	        spread.CallBack("combochange"); // use ajax to update to server (will fire UpdateCommand server side)
  • Posted 7 November 2018, 11:55 pm EST


    Please un-comment the ‘alert’ and check if you get the correct value there. If the value is correct, please , you need to also call the update method client side to update the cell value.


    Deepak Sharma

  • Posted 9 November 2018, 7:38 am EST


    Thanks for helping with this. I commented out the call to StartEdit at the end of the function and it has appeared to fix the issue. I am not sure why it was there in the first place. I have put this change into production and will see if the users continue to have issues. I will add another post in a week or so to let you know if this issue is resolved.

  • Posted 11 November 2018, 8:48 pm EST


    Sure, please let me know in case you find the issue still persists.


    Deepak Sharma

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