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Using the Banded List Control in ARJS

With ActiveReportsJS, adding a banded list control to the report can help to organize your data. With this report item, you can embed textboxes or other report items to group your data between each 'band'. To add a banded list control to your report in the Standalone Report Designer, use the following steps:

  1. Click and drag the 'Banded List' icon onto the report's surface. Banded List Control
  2. Connect your report to a data source and data set. Expand the data set and drag a field into the middle (detail) band of the banded list control. 
  3. Preview the report to see how the data fields render to the viewer. 
  4. Back in the designer, you can change the height of the detail band, add a group header/footer, or add a group expression to the control to group by a specific data field.

If you'd like to see a full list of banded list properties and options, view our documentation

Christian Wirt