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Build a Stock Portfolio App with OpenFin and Wijmo's JavaScript Components

As of July, 2020, this post has been updated to reflect a new sample.

Wijmo Stock Portfolio is a financial sample that demonstrates the usage of Wijmo Components in an OpenFin application. This application consists of several windows. OpenFin’s new Platform API allows users to arrange these windows in the desired workspace.

Here is an example of a possible workspace dashboard:

Build a Stock Portfolio App with OpenFin and Wijmo's JavaScript Components

OpenFin notifications provide support for notifications. Wijmo Stock Portfolio utilizes this by providing the user the ability to view a portfolio change history in the Notification Center:

Build a Stock Portfolio App with OpenFin and Wijmo's JavaScript Components

The stock portfolio app consists of several windows. Each window is implemented using different web frameworks (like React, Angular, and Web Components). OpenFin’s new Platform API allows users to arrange and customize windows into the desired workspace.

See the app in action! This video demonstrates how the app works while arranging windows like a dashboard:

Each window provides unique functionalities, as illustrated above.

Stock Portfolio Window

This window allows users to manage portfolios and view general stock info. Being a main window, this window is shown first on the application launch. It allows users to control the visibility of other windows within the toolbar in the header.

Stock Changes Window

This window displays price changes on the chart for each stock in the portfolio.

Stock HLOC Window

This window displays stock prices on the chart in two different formats: HLOC (high-low-open-close) and moving average. HLOC chart consists of a two-color scheme that represents whether a market is "bullish" (the closing price is higher than it opened) or "bearish" (the closing price is lower than it opened).

Stock Trendline Window

As a previous one, this window also contains two different charts but in another format: raw prices and price trendline as a linear approximation.

Stock Trading Window

This window provides users the ability to view live trading information in the table view.

How to Build and Run the Financial Application

Install the application from GitHub:

git clone
cd stock-portfolio && npm install

Next, build and run the application in development mode:

npm start

In addition, you can build a distribution package and run the application from there:

npm run package

Running the App as a Non-Developer

If you aren’t a developer and still want to try this application, we published an installer here.

Install the app and launch it on a Windows machine. Zero technical expertise required!

Directory Structure

This project is organized in the following way:

Build a Stock Portfolio App with OpenFin and Wijmo's JavaScript Components

Directory ‘./packages’ includes different projects that act as building blocks for this sample application:

  • Directory ‘stock-core’ contains a codebase shared between other projects.
  • Directory ‘stock-portfolio’ holds the main web application project. This project is built on the Angular framework.
  • Directory ‘stock-charts’ defines a location for the project that represents charts web application built on React framework.
  • Directory ‘stock-trading’ holds the project that demonstrates the usage of Wijmo web components in building live trading web application.

Directory ‘./resources’ includes different resources required for building this sample application.

Used Technologies

As previously discussed, Wijmo Stock Portfolio is OpenFin application. OpenFin provides a desktop experience for existing web applications by wrapping them into the corresponding desktop windows (just like web browsers load and display web pages).

In this sample, every application window loads separate web applications. For demonstration purposes, these web applications are built on different web technologies, as shown in this figure:

Build a Stock Portfolio App with OpenFin and Wijmo's JavaScript Components

These web applications utilize Wijmo's Angular DataGrid, as well as some of Wijmo's other controls for building UI, regardless of what web technology used.

The Stock Portfolio Architecture

The following diagram shows Wijmo Stock Portfolio architecture:

Build a Stock Portfolio App with OpenFin and Wijmo's JavaScript Components

Every application window is running in a separate OpenFin application under OpenFin Runtime. When the user launches the application, OpenFin Runtime first loads the Stock Portfolio configuration file (step #1 on the diagram), then starts the Stock Portfolio application and opens web application in the main window by URL retrieved from the configuration file (step #2 on the diagram).

Once the user requests to open a window, the Stock Portfolio application uses OpenFin API to start the corresponding OpenFin application by providing its configuration in the parameters (step #3 on the diagram).

Then OpenFin Runtime opens the requested web application by URL from provided configuration (step #4 on the diagram).

Inter-App Communication

OpenFin supports different APIs to make it possible for multiple applications to communicate with each other and share data across themselves in the most efficient way.

In Wijmo Stock Portfolio, the main window provides stock data to other windows so that dataflow is directed from a single window to multiple ones. In order to exchange messages in such a paradigm, Wijmo Stock Portfolio uses OpenFin Channels API.

Here are the code excerpts that show how the connection is established between the main window and other ones respectively:

    this._channelPromise = fin.InterApplicationBus.Channel.create(ChannelName)
        .then(channel => this._handleCreate(channel));
this._channelPromise = fin.InterApplicationBus.Channel.connect(ChannelName)
      .then(channel => this._handleConnect(channel));

Once the connection is established, windows can exchange messages with each other. In order to receive messages, the listener simply registers on those topics it needs. This code excerpt shows how the main window receives messages on the topic ‘SelectionChanged.‘

    private _handleCreate(channel: ChannelProvider): ChannelProvider {
        console.log('Channels: connected');
        channel.register(ChannelTopics.SelectionChanged, symbol => this._selectionChanged(symbol));
        // ...
        return channel;

    // ...

    // update grid selection to match portfolio selection
    private async _selectionChanged(symbol) {
        console.log('Channels: received message "currentChanged"');

        const p = this.portfolio;
        for (let i = 0; i < p.view.items.length; i++) {
            if (p.view.items[i].symbol == symbol) {

In order to send messages, the sender dispatches messages with specifying a topic. The following code excerpt shows how another window sends messages on the same topic ‘SelectionChanged.‘

// send notifications about portfolio selection
  async selectionChanged(sender) {
    const selectedSeries = sender.selection;
    this.currentSymbol = selectedSeries ? : null;
    this.currentColor = this._getColor(this.currentSymbol);

    const connection = await this._channelPromise;
    connection.dispatch(ChannelTopics.SelectionChanged, this.currentSymbol);

    console.log('Channels: sent message "selectionChanged"');

Wijmo JavaScript Components

Wijmo controls provide a set of UI controls that allow building lightweight, high-speed HTML5/JavaScript apps fast with no dependencies, regardless of what JavaScript framework is being used. To be framework-agnostic, Wijmo includes full support for Angular, React, and Vue, with the same controls across each framework. Using Wijmo controls, the HTML markup is as easy as possible and usually only requires few lines of code.

This code excerpt shows an HTML markup of the companies table using Wijmo's Angular DataGrid control in an Angular application.

        <wj-flex-grid [itemsSource]="portfolio.view"
            <wj-flex-grid-column [header]="''" [isReadOnly]="true" [width]="50" [align]="'center'">
                <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]="'Cell'" let-cell="cell">
                    <a href="#" (click)="removeExistingItem(cell.item.symbol)" [wjTooltip]="'Remove'" class="action-remove">
                        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></span>
            <wj-flex-grid-column header="Name" binding="name" [isReadOnly]="true" [width]="'*'">
                <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]="'Cell'" let-cell="cell">
                    <span [ngStyle]="{'background-color': cell.item.color}">
            <wj-flex-grid-column header="Symbol" binding="symbol" [isReadOnly]="true" [width]="80"></wj-flex-grid-column>
            <wj-flex-grid-column header="Chart" [isReadOnly]="true" [width]="60" [align]="'center'">
                <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]="'Cell'" let-cell="cell">
                    <input type="checkbox" [(ngModel)]="cell.item.chart" />
            <wj-flex-grid-column header="Price" binding="lastPrice" [isReadOnly]="true" format="n2" [width]="80"></wj-flex-grid-column>
            <wj-flex-grid-column header="Change" binding="changePercent" [isReadOnly]="true" format="p2" [width]="80">
                <ng-template wjFlexGridCellTemplate [cellType]="'Cell'" let-cell="cell">
                    <div class="chg-cell" [ngClass]="getChangeClass(cell.item.change)">
                        <span class="chg-val">\{{cell.item.changePercent | percent:'1.2-2'}}</span>
                        <span class="chg-glyph" [ngClass]="getChangeGlyphClass(cell.item.change)"></span>

It only requires to provide data-binding information and describe how tables cells will look.

The following code excerpts show the methods that render two charts of different types using Wijmo FlexChart control in React application.

  renderChartContent() {
    if (this.props.current) {
      return [
            style=\{{ stroke: '#ff4700' }}
            altStyle=\{{ stroke: '#00ff75' }}>
            name="Moving Average"
            style=\{{ stroke: 'white' }}
    return [];

  render() {
    return (
      <wjChart.FlexChart chartType="HighLowOpenClose" binding="high,low,open,close" bindingX="date">
        <wjChart.FlexChartAxis wjProperty="axisY" format="n0" majorGrid={true} majorTickMarks={0}></wjChart.FlexChartAxis>
        <wjChart.FlexChartAxis wjProperty="axisX" format="MMM-yyyy" majorGrid={true} majorTickMarks={0}></wjChart.FlexChartAxis>
        <wjChart.FlexChartLegend position="None"></wjChart.FlexChartLegend>

This code is self-describing and requires to provide data-binding information and defines some of the properties.

Developing Financial Applications

Whether you’re developing financial applications, or regularly use financial apps, OpenFin delivers benefits from different points of view. On the technical side, OpenFin provides an environment for the rapid development of financial applications.

Built on top of Google’s Chromium and GitHub’s Electron, OpenFin allows you to leverage the latest HTML5/JavaScript features. In addition, OpenFin has built-in support for workspace management and cross-application interoperability. Leveraging enterprise JavaScript Components like Wijmo will allow you to develop your applications even faster.

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