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How To Add a Group To Your Table Control


When creating a tabular report, you may want to categorize the content into various groups. Below we will cover the steps to take.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Add a Table control to your report.
  2. Click into any of the textboxes that the table generated. This will cause a few boxes to appear on the top and left side of the table control.
  3. Right click any of the boxes on the left side and select Inset Group.
  4. The Table - Groups dialog box will now be showing.
    1. We can change the Name field so that we can quickly identify the group.
    2. In the Expression we can use the drop down to choose a field from our data set, or create a custom expression that we will use to identify members of the group.
    3. We can then set the Document Map Label if we would like to add the group to the Document Map. This will allow for quick navigation to the group.
    4. Finally we can set the Parent Group, if we would like to use recursive hierarchy.
  5. We can click okay, and now preview our new table.


For more information on grouping click the following link:

For more information on tables use the following link:

Christian Pacelli

Technical Engagement Engineer