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SpreadJS v14 Hotfixes

The latest updates and information on the SpreadJS JavaScript Library.

Please tell us what you think in the SpreadJS forums.

  • 4890: Fix: A specific key was not working correctly for a Korean keyboard in Internet Explorer
  • 9002: Fix: Double-clicking a formula cell would cause the console to show an error in some cases
  • 9008: Fix: Drag filling in tables did not work as expected
  • 9185: Fix: A filter would be applied just after inserting a row
  • 9190: Fix: Sorting was inconsistent with Excel
  • 9474: Fix: Table binding did not work properly
  • 9480: Fix: Shape fonts and positions where incorrect when exporting to PDF
  • 10067: Fix: Cross-sheet formulas could not be set in some circumstances
  • 10204: Fix: Outline display was inconsistent with Excel
  • 10391: Fix: PivotTables would import with different dates and data
  • 10655: Fix: Importing certain PivotTables would throw an exception
  • 10726: Fix: Redundant columns would show up in the sheet after exporting to Excel and importing back into SpreadJS
  • 10731: Fix: Painting shapes wouldn’t work when exporting to PDF
  • 10736: Fix: There was a discrepancy between Date/Time formatted cells in SpreadJS and Excel
  • 10818: Fix: Exporting a specific SSJSON from SpreadJS and importing into GCExcel would throw an exception
  • 10894: Fix: Some lines would be lost in specific charts after importing in SpreadJS
  • 10946: Fix: Some filtering results were inconsistent
  • 10956: Fix: A specific SSJSON would throw an Exception when exporting to Excel
  • 10982: Fix: Font sizes would change after serialization
  • 11002: Fix: The browser would hang after importing an Excel file
  • 11013: Fix: PivotTable tabular layout was inconsistent with Excel
  • 11039: Fix: There was an incorrect type definition for the IBorder interface in the gc.spread.sheets.d.ts file
  • 11045: Fix: When setting the font for a specific selection, only the first row of that selection is affected
  • 11056: Fix: Value formatting in specific charts were inconsistent with Excel
  • 11071: Designer Fix: The Designer component would throw an error when two cell styles from the “Data and Model” category were applied
  • 11074: Fix: The Sunburst chart legend and data point colors would change when importing
  • 11077: Fix: Formula results would be inconsistent when merging cells
  • 11189: Fix: Cell formatting would not be imported from Excel correctly in some cases

  • 9752: Fix: Chart logarithmic scale axis could not be removed
  • 9882: Fix: A security breach in jszip was found
  • 10128: Fix: Removing data series from a chart would change the color of data markers
  • 10207: Fix: The table name would display incorrectly after inserting a table column
  • 10220: Fix: An exception would be thrown if a blank chart was saved using toJSON
  • 10236: Fix: Inserting a copied row would change the height of the remaining rows in the sheet
  • 10613: Fix: Importing a specific Excel file with a PivotTable would throw an error
  • 10649: Fix: The selected cell would be incorrect after pasting data from Excel
  • 10669: Performance Fix: Workbook serialization needed performance optimizations
  • 10675: Fix: Sunburst charts would import differently than Excel
  • 10721: Fix: Keyboard keys could not be used to apply filters
  • 10733: Fix: Vertical scrolling would affect horizontal scrolling if scrollByPixel was set to true
  • 10742: Fix: Formulas would change after importing an Excel file
  • 10746: Fix: Could not import an Excel file with a specific font correctly
  • 10749: Fix: A specific calculation result was incorrect
  • 10779: Designer Fix: An exception was thrown after clicking a specific cell
  • 10782: Fix: A “x000D” character string was added to XML files when exporting to Excel
  • 10845: Designer Fix: A specific field could not be added to the field list
  • 10873: Fix: Conditional formatting would not shift properly when adding a column
  • 10880: Fix: When using backspace to enter cell editing, the behavior of arrow keys was different from Excel
  • 10943: Fix: Getting the SpreadSettingDialogTemplate would be undefined
  • 10972: Fix: Some PivotTables would not sort properly

  • 8924: Feature: Support for iOS15 and iPadOS15 has been added
  • 9269: Fix: The value from a MATCH formula that references a PivotTable range was incorrect
  • 9760: Fix: A custom formula would not show in edit mode
  • 9927: Fix: The workbook would not display correctly after switching sheets
  • 10232: Fix: The context menu would not work correctly after 14.2.0
  • 10261: Designer Fix: The “Margun Gothic” font was missing in the designer font dialog
  • 10360: Fix: Specific keyboard shortcuts were not working
  • 10383: Fix: The merge cell operation was not synchronized between different instances of SpreadJS
  • 10404: Fix: A specific formula result was different from Excel
  • 10412: Fix: Specifically selected content could not be deleted when in edit mode
  • 10446: Designer Fix: Scrollbars would appear in the ribbon after setting the v-show property
  • 10463: Fix: Some conditional formats would display incorrectly after v14.2.0
  • 10465: Fix: Cell text direction would change after importing an Excel file
  • 10548: Fix: Vertical alignment would be different and line breaks would disappear when using toHTML
  • 10560: Fix: Inserting cut cells was inconsistent with Excel
  • 10574: Fix: Using litelement with SpreadJS would cause issues
  • 10577: Fix: Some conditional formats would be undefined
  • 10580: Designer Fix: The “General” number formatter was not properly translated in different designers
  • 10585: Fix: Pasting images copied from Excel into SpreadJS running in Chrome would not work
  • 10596: Fix: Clicking the workbook would cause the scrollbar to automatically move to the top
  • 10597: Fix: A JSON file could not be exported to Excel
  • 10602: Designer Fix: Clicking a cell would close the fields of a side panel automatically
  • 10605: Fix: An exception would be thrown after double-clicking a cell
  • 10623: Fix: An Uncaught TypeError would be thrown with Row Filters
  • 10636: Fix: Clicking other cells outside of a cell’s edit box would throw an error
  • 10638: Fix: Accessibility content has been enhanced
  • 10642: Designer Fix: The cell state manager had undo/redo issues
  • 10644: Designer Fix: There was an incorrect label in the “Replace” dialog in the CN version
  • 10654: Fix: The status of sheet tabs was incorrect when swapping in code

  • 8696: Fix: Dynamic arrays in an exported Excel fil would display a “#spill” error if DoNotRecalculateAfterLoad was set to true
  • 8698: Fix: Dynamic array formulas would have an extra “@” after exporting to Excel
  • 8841: Fix: A formula result changed after importing an SSJSON file
  • 10070: Fix: An error would show in the console after setting repeatRowStart and repeatRowEnd
  • 10097: Fix: Custom AutoFilters would cause SpreadJS to become unresponsive if the first option is left blank
  • 10212: Designer Fix: The Auto sum icon was not aligned properly
  • 10222: Fix: The web browser would hang after pressing Command + Z using a MacOS system
  • 10239: Designer Fix: The width an height of buttons in the designer could not be changed
  • 10247: Designer Fix: A type error would be thrown when using the designer in React and Typescript
  • 10248: Fix: Cell merging and values would be cleared when an image was pasted from the clipboard
  • 10249: Demo Fix: Translations were not provided for some commands in the custom localization demo
  • 10251: Designer Fix: The ‘type=”button”’ attribute was missing from button tags
  • 10253: Fix: Image like emojis were not supported in Sheet names
  • 10254: Fix: Table themes did not work properly if rows were hidden/unhidden
  • 10352: Fix: Columns of one workbook would change if data in another workbook was changed
  • 10389: Fix: Conditional formatting was inconsistent with Excel
  • 10416: Fix: Formulas were not working correctly
  • 10434: Designer Fix: Dropdown options were not shown correctly in the format shape panel
  • 10448: Fix: An error would be thrown in an exported Excel file if the Pivot source contains special characters
  • 10451: Designer Fix: An error would be thrown in IE 11 if data is bound
  • 10462: Designer Fix: Inserting a PivotTable would show a message saying there were invalid data references

  • 8707: Fix: A specific formula range was incorrect after a cut and paste
  • 9253: Chart Fix: Creating a combo chart with a secondary axis would not apply, custom error bars did not work, and the style wouldn’t show for stock charts
  • 10095: Fix: A formatter was not applied when setting the cell’s value to 0
  • 10123: Fix: Printing a sheet would throw an error
  • 10131: Fix: Formulas were not imported correctly
  • 10209: Fix: FormulaTextBox would not update correctly
  • 10226: Designer Fix: The ribbon would display incorrectly if there is no license

  • 9247: Fix: Chart text was partially covered
  • 9282: Pivot Fix: A specific Excel file with a PivotTable was not correctly imported
  • 9333: Fix: Cells are not indented when opening up an exported Excel file in WPS
  • 9478: Chart Fix: Charts with external data links do not import correctly
  • 9516: Designer Fix: Field positions when dragging fields from the template designer into the worksheet are not correct
  • 9555: Fix: Conditional formatting has no effect after exporting Excel files and opening in WPS
  • 9559: Chart Fix: XY Scatter chart X-axis would import as dates
  • 9577: Pivot Fix: Column width are too small with using autoFitColumn
  • 9614: Fix: Style of a cell would be overwritten if the pasted cell’s style was changed
  • 9634: Chart Fix: A specific chart would not display the same as in Excel
  • 9660: Fix: A typing error would happen in the Format Cells dialog
  • 9663: Fix: Conditional formatting would not work in a specific circumstance
  • 9676: Fix: The ActiveSheetChanged/ActiveSheetChanging events would not trigger when a sheet was deleted
  • 9686: Fix: Columns would not autofit in the FIndAll dialog
  • 9704: Fix: Rows could not be inserted or deleted if sheet protection was set with all options
  • 9733: Performance Fix: Formulas and outlines would cause performance issues
  • 9753: Fix: Navigating to a sheet via a hyperlink would not trigger the ActiveSheetChanged event

  • 9468: Designer Fix: Fill color would not show inside the conditional format dialog
  • 9479: Pivot Fix: Pivot Panel would not be active if there were two SpreadJS instances
  • 9480: Fix: Shape fonts and positions would not show correctly when exported to PDF
  • 9498: Fix: Setting rows to invisible would cause shapes to disappear
  • 9506: Pivot Fix: Dragging fields from row to columns sections in the pivot panel would change the state to dirty
  • 9518: Fix: Shapes couldn’t be moved correctly in an imported Excel sheet if the sheet was zoomed in
  • 9534: Fix: A style warning is shown when using SpreadJS in Vue3
  • 9535: Fix: Changing items in a pasted comboBox would affect other comboBoxes
  • 9545: Fix: An exception is thrown when modifying a chart style
  • 9552: Designer Fix: The icon for the data validation prompt was missing

  • 3248: Fix: Inserting formulas was enabled even though the sheet was protected
  • 8835: Fix: Quotes were not automatically added when adding text to a formula
  • 9033: Performance Fix: Clicking a check box would take time to update the rest of the sheet
  • 9159: Fix: The result of a formula was different from Excel
  • 9237: Fix: PivotTable would update the data source incorrectly when incremental loading is enabled
  • 9267: Fix: The GETPIVOTDATA formula would not return the correct value
  • 9293: Fix: Cell formats would change after importing an Excel file
  • 9299: Fix: An exported Excel file could not be opened
  • 9304: Fix: Some gridlines would disappear
  • 9316: Fix: Number validation behavior is inconsistent with Excel
  • 9317: Fix: ExcelIO would throw an error in the Angular framework after V14.1.0
  • 9357: Fix: A dialogue would not show if a user tried to drag/drop a cell into a merged range
  • 9371: Designer Fix: The formula bar would not work in the Safari browser
  • 9378: Fix: Opening one file after another would result in incorrect cell background colors
  • 9389: Fix: Using “clear all” would not work after selecting all cells and setting the cell background color
  • 9390: Fix: The result of the XIRR formula was inconsistent with Excel

  • 5235: Fix: Specific charts would not display correctly
  • 6722: Fix: DataLabels would not display in StackBlitz
  • 7973: Fix: Setting focus to false inside of a button command would cause the button to lose hover style
  • 8229: Fix: A specific chart would not import properly from an Excel file
  • 8621: Fix: Specific charts would not import correctly
  • 8667: Fix: Adding an input box to a context menu would result in an unresponsive input box
  • 8684: Fix: The TableRowsChanged event would not fire correctly if a row was deleted via undo
  • 8739: Designer Fix: Sparkline options would not be visible in the ribbon if the browser’s size was minimized
  • 8748: Fix: Chart labels were missing when imported in the Vue version of SpreadJS
  • 8910: Fix: Specific values in some cells were not fully copied
  • 8951: Fix: Blob size would get bigger after repeatedly importing and exporting
  • 9009: Fix: Certain cell formulas were pasted as values when pasted a second time
  • 9021: Designer Fix: DataLabels would not show
  • 9026: Fix: A specific validation result of the date validator was incorrect
  • 9030: Fix: Importing multiple Excel files would prevent memory from being released
  • 9035: Fix: Some cells could not be edited after importing a sheet
  • 9045: Fix: DataLabels were not visible in specific frameworks
  • 9107: Fix: Deleting a row would cause xlookup to return a #VALUE error
  • 9108: Fix: A specific formula result was different from Excel
  • 9109: Fix: An error would be thrown if a cell had a specific formatter string
  • 9112: Designer Fix: Setting the background color with select all would cause the designer to hang
  • 9135: Designer Fix: Cell borders would not set correctly
  • 9141: Fix: Filter search textbox would not work properly
  • 9149: Designer Fix: Vue version of designer could not set labels for charts
  • 9156: Fix: Copy shortcuts would only copy screenshots, but not images
  • 9172: Designer Fix: Ribbon Clear Content and contextMenu Clear Content did not do the same thing
  • 9178: Fix: Specific custom formatting would show an error in the console
  • 9181: Demo Fix: An error code was thrown in a specific Vue sample
  • 9186: Fix: Drop down list items would not display fully
  • 9189: Fix: A PivotPanel would not connect properly to a specific PivotTable
  • 9216: Fix: Right-clicking a sheet name would cause the page the freeze after importing JSON
  • 9289: Designer Fix: Updating a style to bold would not work after setting cell style to rich text
  • 9290: Designer Fix: Gridlines would not change correctly when selecting theme colors

  • 5917: Fix: Chart categories would not show the leading zero
  • 8568: Fix: A specific chart would work in earlier versions but not in the latest version
  • 8644: Fix: An exception would be thrown after removing a sheet
  • 8731: Fix: A “#” character would be added to the end of a cell value when using the “0.0#%” format
  • 8773: Fix: Printing a workbook would throw an exception
  • 8917: Fix: Using FitPagesWide would cause a CheckBox icon to not show correctly after printing
  • 8935: Designer Fix: Adding conditional formatting would not work in certain cases
  • 8939: Fix: Exporting a file to Excel with a filter button would throw an exception
  • 8944: Fix: The LINEST formula did not evaluate correctly
  • 8974: Fix: AutoMerge and FrozenColumns would not work correctly with one another
  • 8990: Fix: Hidden columns would not be displayed in charts when swapping the row and column
  • 9001: Fix: TopRowChanged event was not fired on mobile devices when using the scrollByPixel feature
  • 9015: Fix: An exception would be thrown when hiding a sheet and exporting to PDF
  • 9017: Fix: A page would freeze after importing a workbook and clicking a specific sheet
  • 9020: Designer Fix: Conditional formatting would be invalid if the PivotTable library was not imported
  • 9027: Fix: Switching sheets after importing JSON would cause the page to freeze
  • 9028: Demo Fix: Filtering would not work for some values in the Table Sheet demo
  • 9034: Fix: Tables in some sheets would not export to Excel
  • 9037: Fix: The page would freeze after hiding a specific row
  • 9095: Designer Fix: The field list could not be translated
  • 9114: Fix: Exporting to Excel would throw an error

  • 7077: Fix: PivotTable filter fields were different from Excel
  • 7729: Performance Fix: Issues with exporting a large data set
  • 7935: Designer Fix: Strikethrough button in RichText dialog wouldn’t work properly
  • 8480: Feature: Option added to export Excel to a simplified version
  • 8550: Fix: The SpreadJS instance would scroll unexpectedly when a dropdown was opened
  • 8599: Fix: The “registry function” parameter of defineGlobaclCustomFunction was not compatible with asynchronous functions
  • 8604: Fix: Asynchronous functions would still evaluate after using suspendCalcService
  • 8612: Fix: Default scrolling was incorrect in Firefox
  • 8642: Fix: Percent values with specific formats where incorrectly changed when edit mode was entered on a cell
  • 8677: Fix: Borders were not displayed when printing
  • 8679: Fix: “<” was rendered as “<” when importing from Excel
  • 8690: Fix: Browser would become unresponsive after calling the print function
  • 8715: Fix: A percentage format would divide by 10 when leaving edit mode
  • 8720: Fix: The “Add current selection to filter” option would not work properly in the filter dialog
  • 8727: Feature: Changed the activation process for the desktop SpreadJS Designer
  • 8728: Designer Fix: A row could not be deleted after sheet protection
  • 8734: Fix: Hyperlink function worked differently from Excel
  • 8758: Fix: Setting the horizontal alignment of row and column header would throw an exception
  • 8760: Fix: Importing an SSJSON with a PivotTable would throw a cross-origin exception
  • 8763: Fix: A cell format was changed after importing an Excel file
  • 8765: Fix: A number would displayed incorrectly in the center of cell when setting numbersFitMode to 1
  • 8771: Fix: The PDF module would throw an error in Chrome
  • 8779: Fix: Percentage display would change after enter edit mode
  • 8814: Fix: Duplicate areas would appear when printing
  • 8830: Fix: An exported Excel file would need to be repaired after exporting
  • 8839: Designer Fix: Increasing/decreasing decimal numbers would not work the same as Excel
  • 8849: Fix: The result of a cell value rule was incorrect
  • 8851: Fix: Culture would not be properly applied to a sheet
  • 8854: Fix: The getCircularReference function would return incorrect results
  • 8855: Fix: After binding rich text to a cell, cell automerge would incorrectly merge cells with different values
  • 8862: Fix: Filters would not be correct after using a custom format on a column
  • 8866: Fix: Asynchronous functions would not always return the right result
  • 8871: Fix: Undoing changing the sheet name would not trigger the sheetNameChanged or sheetNameChanging events
  • 8872: Designer Fix: Exporting a workbook with a PivotTable using a triangle icon to SSJSON would through an error
  • 8887: Designer Fix: Some panels weren’t large enough to show specific text
  • 8901: Fix: A dropdown list would show the same data in different cells
  • 8915: Fix: The setAsyncResult would not work properly when used inside of a setTimeout function
  • 8918: Fix: Adding a PivotTable would shown an invalid license error
  • 8920: Fix: A dropdown could not be cleared
  • 8948: Feature: Renaming a sheet with the same name as another sheet will now show a correct popup

  • 6211: Fix: Exporting to JSON would add empty columns
  • 7002: Fix: RangeBlockSparkline could not be set on the same sheet as the template
  • 7021: Fix: Hover cell state would prevent a merged cell’s border from being fully displayed
  • 7531: Fix: Inserting cells would not increase the filter range
  • 7600: Fix: Deleting a table row using the context menu would not work when adjacent cells were selected
  • 7892: Fix: Cell content would move down after drag-filling
  • 7948: Fix: Formulas could not be edited properly in FireFox
  • 7954: Fix: Adding a style from a dialog would make the selection change
  • 7988: Fix: ButtonClicked event could not be triggered after a button was clicked
  • 7994: Fix: Edit mode couldn’t be stopped when a DateTime picker was applied
  • 7995: Fix: Clearing a chart axis title would not clear it when exported to JSON
  • 8009: Fix: Column header was incorrectly exported to Excel when autoMerge was set in the column header
  • 8018: Fix: SetHyperlink would fail after scrolling if autoMerge was set
  • 8032: Performance Fix: Hiding rows would cause performance issues.
  • 8047: Fix: Printing would result in an error
  • 8057: Designer Fix: Filter and clear buttons would not show
  • 8078: Fix: Cell contents were not displayed correctly after importing an Excel file
  • 8095: Fix: A formatter would not work properly after importing an Excel file
  • 8096: Fix: A formatter would not work the first time it is applied
  • 8097: Designer Fix: Tab padding label options would be lost when reopening the Format Cell dialog
  • 8143: Fix: Exporting an Excel file would throw an error
  • 8160: Fix: Hovering over a button after scrolling would not show any response

  • 4184: Fix: Conditional format covered certain text in a cell
  • 5745: Fix: Importing an Excel file exported from SpreadJS would add blank rows
  • 7242: Fix: Adding a sheet in the designer would set an incorrect sheet name
  • 7452: Fix: Format Cell dialog dropdown would not show properly
  • 7573: Designer Fix: The bottom border line of the Designer Component was not displayed
  • 7592: Fix: Errors were thrown when adding columns dynamically
  • 7598: Designer Fix: Designer Component would not show the new file dialog when files were imported
  • 7702: Designer Fix: Custom style names would not be imported
  • 7756: Fix: An extra “@” symbol would be added to some formulas after exporting to Excel
  • 7767: Designer Fix: Custom style names were not added in the cell styles dropdown
  • 7814: Fix: Width of ComboBox cell type drop down was less than the width of a merged cell
  • 7825: Fix: Data filter result was incorrect
  • 7829: Fix: Online designer couldn’t import Excel files on MacOS
  • 7834: Fix: An error would be thrown when exporting a workbook
  • 7841: Fix: DeleteRows would throw a TypeError
  • 7842: Fix: An exported Excel file would need to be repaired when opened in Excel
  • 7855: Fix: Drag and fill feature did not match Excel
  • 7859: Fix: Table styles would change after exporting to Excel
  • 7881: Fix: Rich text content would disappear and change after scrolling the sheet
  • 7884: Fix: Conditional formatting would not apply if selecting multiple ranges
  • 7889: Fix: Protection option was cleared when using the unprotect command in the ribbon
  • 7898: Fix: Setting incrementalLoading to true would import an Excel file with a PivotTable incorrectly
  • 7904: Designer Fix: Cell border options were not applied correctly
  • 7913: Designer Fix: Applying font styles would cause the SpreadJS instance to become unresponsive
  • 7914: Designer Fix: Setting sheet protection properties with code wouldn’t work
  • 7920: Designer Fix: Excel import wouldn’t work on MacOS
  • 7926: Fix: TopRowChanged arguments would not work correctly on touch devices
  • 7928: Fix: PrintArea setting was not exported correctly when “-“ was used in the SheetName
  • 7933: Fix: PivotTable filter panel would drift occasionally when setting the page layout
  • 7943: Performance Fix: AddRows would take too much time
  • 7963: Fix: An exported Excel file could not be opened with WPS
  • 7969: Fix: RichText and Cell Tag information would be lost after pasting
  • 7982: Fix: The browser would scroll down if pressing spacebar while inside of a combobox cell
  • 8000: Fix: The save warning dialog would not display if the change to a sheet was made with the delete key

  • 3934: Fix: Importing an Excel file would change some styles
  • 4423: Fix: Imported a specific SSJSON would have a different result from the original Excel file
  • 5889: Fix: Shape text was not importing
  • 6712: Fix: Shape display was inconsistent with Excel
  • 6836: Fix: Shape sizing button would behave strangely if the zoom factor was not 100%
  • 6922: Fix: A specific formula would show a “#N/A” result when imported from Excel
  • 6949: Fix: The outline column expand/collapse functionality did not work on mobile devices
  • 7095: Designer Fix: Font styles were not being applied
  • 7134: Fix: Comments would shrink when resizing the width of a column
  • 7154: Fix: Rich Text Dialog would not show the correct font size
  • 7207: Fix: Setting the width and heigh of a picture would not work correctly
  • 7241: Fix: After destroying the SpreadJS instance, a tooltip would still display in the browser
  • 7300: Fix: Comments would disappear after importing an Excel file
  • 7444: Performance Fix: the pageInfo call would take too long to return
  • 7578: Fix: Cell styles would change when resizing a column
  • 7612: Fix: A table theme row color would not be correct if the table header row was hidden
  • 7614: Fix: The axis data labels position could not be set correctly
  • 7625: Fix: ExcelIO would throw an error when importing an Excel workbook
  • 7641: Fix: Comment width would get larger when autosize was set to true
  • 7660: Fix: The ValueChanged event would fire even when the value was not changed in the DateTimePicker
  • 7665: Fix: The spanned cell comment position would be incorrect when the cell was partially hidden
  • 7709: Performance Fix: Memory would not be released when calling the pageInfo function
  • 7721: Fix: A warning would pop up after exporting an Excel file
  • 7724: Fix: Chart data would not be updated after initializing a chart and loading the data
  • 7741: Fix: An exported Excel file will not update the zoom correctly after setting the zoom in SpreadJS
  • 7753: Fix: The DragFillBlockCompleted event would fire after canceling DragFillBlock
  • 7773: Designer Fix: The table binding dialog would not open

  • 5206: Fix: CMD+Z did not work in edit mode in MacOS
  • 6624: Fix: The print preview and result were inconsistent in some cases
  • 6801: Fix: Connector shapes were not correctly adding from top to bottom
  • 6838: Designer Fix: Moving charts and changing chart types would prevent the preview from loading correctly
  • 7202: Fix: A tooltip wouldn’t disappear when moving away from a hyperlink
  • 7214: Fix: Using external formulas on one sheet would affect formulas on another sheet
  • 7228: Fix: Cell text color was different from Excel
  • 7238: Fix: Custom shape line information was not exported to SSJSON
  • 7266: Designer Fix: Conditional Format dialog font text was not consistent with Excel
  • 7310: Fix: Percent cell format would incorrectly display “00%” when the backspace key is used
  • 7314: Fix: Password would save incorrectly when exported from SpreadJS
  • 7315: Fix: Comment position was not consistent with Excel
  • 7317: Fix: Exporting to SSJSON would not refresh the color on clicked hyperlinks
  • 7340: Fix: SheetTags would get added twice with SSJSON
  • 7344: Performance Fix: CSV Import/Export Suspend/Resume performance was enhanced
  • 7346: Fix: A specific formula result was different from Excel
  • 7347: Fix: Undoing deleting a column would cause the designer to get stuck
  • 7370: Fix: Condition rules were lost after dragging and moving cells
  • 7406: Fix: Setting the row could would remove undo history and cause values to be removed from the cell
  • 7427: Fix: The calculation result of the ENCODEURL function was incorrect
  • 7451: Fix: The calculation result of the SWITCH function was not the same as Excel
  • 7458: Fix: A cell would display incorrectly after setting the cell format
  • 7460: Fix: Importing a JSON file 6-8 times would cause the browser to crash
  • 7470: Fix: Charts could not be added to SpreadJS in IE11
  • 7495: Fix: The result of the SEARCH function was incorrect
  • 7496: Demo Upgrade: Demos are now using Angular version 11
  • 7507: Fix: The result of the SUMIF function was incorrect
  • 7514: Fix: The password of a file would disappear after exporting to Excel
  • 7518: Fix: The result of the WORKDAY.INTL function was incorrect
  • 7546: Designer Fix: The designer component was not displayed correctly in the Safari browser on Macs
  • 7547: Fix: CSV data that was imported was merged with existing data instead of clearing
  • 7553: Fix: Engineering functions with negative number arguments returned results different from Excel
  • 7554: Fix: Some values would display in SpreadJS differently from Excel
  • 7560: Fix: Removing a sheet would throw an error

  • 3933: Fix: Data Label angle in doughnut charts was different from Excel.
  • 6108: Fix: Triggering formula calculation was inconsistent with Excel.
  • 6211: Fix: Exporting to JSON would add empty columns.
  • 6431: Feature: SpreadJS now supports Angular 11.
  • 6563: Fix: A specific formula result was different from Excel.
  • 6588: Fix: Importing a file into SpreadJS would cause issues with certain charts.
  • 6647: Feature: SpreadJS now supports React 17.
  • 6721: Fix: A specific formula result for TEXT was different from Excel.
  • 6728: Performance Fix: Adding a chart would slow the scrolling in a page.
  • 6757: Fix: Charts would disappear after importing an Excel file.
  • 6806: Fix: Some function descriptions were incorrect.
  • 6897: Fix: Importing pie charts would not retain text direction and vertical alignment.
  • 6905: Fix: The width of a drop-down menu was shorter than the cell width.
  • 6946: Fix: Column grouping was not working properly.
  • 6979: Fix: Font and format settings are overwritten by Excel.
  • 7046: Fix: The sum result of the status bar was incorrect.
  • 7069: Fix: Chart display was incorrect after setting doNotRecalculateAfterLoad to true.
  • 7076: Fix: The location of the PivotTable FilterDialog was different from Excel.
  • 7078: Fix: Merged cells have different layout in a WPS application compared to Excel.
  • 7080: Fix: Clicking the filter button would not always open the filter dialog.
  • 7081: Fix: A cell’s tooltip wouldn’t always be visible.
  • 7082: Fix: After clicking the formula enter button, the formula would disappear.
  • 7099: Designer Fix: The cell border list would not display properly in the cell format dialog.
  • 7105: Designer Fix: The “Change Chart Type” dialog would not display the sample chart.
  • 7123: Fix: The hierarchy of a template would change after it is exported.
  • 7126: Vue Fix: An error would be thrown after adding the SpreadJS component to a Vue application.
  • 7129: Fix: A validator is lost after importing an Excel file.
  • 7160: Fix: A formula is changed after importing an Excel file.
  • 7163: Designer Fix: Setting an invalid display format would collapse the SpreadJS instance.
  • 7199: Fix: The RangeChanged event would not get properly triggered.
  • 7201: Designer Fix: Inserting a chart would make the import dialog hang.
  • 7219: Fix: An import result was inconsistent with Excel.
  • 7222: Designer Fix: The web browser page title would change after creating a new blank file.
  • 7272: Fix: Formatting would not apply correctly after importing an Excel file.

  • 6160: Fix: Conditional formatting results were different from Excel
  • 6892: Fix: Sheet hyperlink caused the active sheet to not show
  • 6901: Fix: When filtered data was deleted, it would delete all of the data in the column
  • 6912: Fix: When text is set to 0 in a cell, a shape formula based on that cell would not show 0
  • 6919: Designer Fix: Named style would be lost when cell styles were edited
  • 6945: Fix: Cell state styles would appear when printing or exporting to PDF
  • 6953: Fix: Named style would be lost when using getCell to edit style properties.
  • 6954: Fix: Selected text would not display when selecting from the combo box in the TextFilter dialog
  • 6998: Fix: Formulas would not calculate when importing an Excel file
  • 7007: Fix: COUNTIFS formula result was different from Excel
  • 7068: Designer Feature: Chinese Fonts have been added in the Font dropdown list

  • 5527: Designer Fix: The Designer’s iconClass did not support font icons
  • 6345: Fix: Scatter charts imported incorrectly from Excel files
  • 6518: Fix: Chaining custom function calls would evaluate a function more times than it should
  • 6642: Designer Fix: Using the “Numbers” shortcut to apply a format would not apply it correctly
  • 6659: Fix: The getOriginalHeight function would not correctly get the height of an image
  • 6660: Designer Fix: A PDF exported using the designer could not open in Adobe Acrobat Pro 2017
  • 6670: Designer Fix: Buttons would not fill the ribbon if there were no icons
  • 6714: Fix: Context menus would not work after right-clicking in the gray area of the workbook.
  • 6715: Designer Fix: The invalid formula dialog would need to be clicked twice in order to close it
  • 6740: Designer Fix: The Table section of the ribbon bar had a duplicate “Total Row” button
  • 6748: Designer Fix: Couldn’t show the SpreadJS instance in IE 11
  • 6751: Fix: The ComboBox drop-down menu would shift position and the text wouldn’t show
  • 6756: Fix: The start column offset of a picture would not export correct to JSON
  • 6761: Fix: The Filter Dialog OK/Cancell button would display outside of the Filter Dialog
  • 6770: Fix: The AsyncFunction wouldn’t always recalculate
  • 6791: Designer Fix: The conditional formatting dialog would not always show the correct data
  • 6893: Fix: An image’s size would change when printing or exporting to PDF
  • 6909: Fix: SpreadJS’ height would grow incorrectly when resizing the browser window
  • 6911: Designer Fix: The Angular compiler would throw an “Invariant violated: No format-path or format” error

  • 6250: Performance Fix: ComboBox CellType took a long time to load when it contained a large number of items
  • 6468: Fix: Merged cell content would not display correctly
  • 6469: Fix: Removing a series from a chart would remove axis numbers
  • 6506: Designer Fix: Column header formulas would result in #REF! errors
  • 6517: Performance Fix: Collapsing a row outline would take too much time to update the sheet
  • 6518: Fix: Custom Functions would evaluate more than 10 times unexpectedly
  • 6547: Fix: goalSeek returned type ‘void’ and not ‘boolean’
  • 6548: Fix: Arrow line shape did not fire the shapeChanged event
  • 6565: Designer Fix: SpreadJS Designer didn’t size properly when using multiple instances
  • 6574: Fix: Inserting cut/copied cells would add a lot of extra data to the exported JSON file
  • 6576: Designer Fix: Entering an invalid license would lock the SpreadJS Designer permanently
  • 6580: Fix: Shift + Tab would move focus to the workbook when editing a ComboBox cell
  • 6581: Fix: Table column references would not work when the column name had spaces
  • 6587: Fix: Editing any cells would not work after calling the reset method
  • 6598: Fix: Exporting Excel files with merged styles would result in errors
  • 6623: Fix: Data was not loading correctly when a table was being scrolled over
  • 6632: Fix: DataValidation would throw an error when the first character in the list-item of a ListValidator was a single quotation
  • 6736: Designer Fix: Number format is invalid

  • 4523: Fix: Keyboard would show up in Android devices when using setActiveCell or setFocus
  • 5733: Fix: A textbox in Excel was lost after importing
  • 5789: Fix: Shapes disappeared after the outline was collapsed and expanded multiple times
  • 5928: Designer Performance Fix: Inserting a chart was too slow
  • 6124: Fix: Empty cells with background colors could not be copied and pasted to other sheets
  • 6220: Fix: The background color of a plot area in a chart was not correctly imported from Excel
  • 6221: Fix: On-demand calculation doesn’t fire the RangeChanged event
  • 6231: Fix: Copied cells are pasted incorrectly
  • 6234: Designer Fix: The Copied Cell option did not appear in the context menu when the selected row was a table row
  • 6245: Designer Fix: A picture’s alternate text was not hidden when switching sheets or opening a new file
  • 6248: Fix: Excel files exported from SpreadJS did not pass open XML SDK validation
  • 6294: Fix: ComboBox display would change when column widths changed
  • 6318: Fix: The STDEV function would return a result different from Excel
  • 6322: Designer Fix: After loading the designer, the window would quickly show a blank screen
  • 6392: Designer Fix: Classes named “container” within the designer would conflict with other 3rd party libraries
  • 6397: Designer Fix: The subtotal functionality worked differently than it did in Excel
  • 6436: Performance Fix: Resizing the SpreadJS instance would cause columns and rows to lag behind in rendering
  • 6505: Designer Fix: Changing the column headers with the dialog would set those headers on the incorrect sheet
  • 6508: Designer Fix: Borders were lost after setting a cell format
  • 6509: Designer Fix: The summary row option would appear repeatedly in the table design tab
  • 6527: Designer Fix: Could not split merged column headers in the header dialog
  • 6528: Designer Fix: Setting inner margins did not work correctly

  • 3951: Fix: Importing a SSJSON file in Internet Explorer was significantly slower than importing the same file in Chrome
  • 6204: Fix: Designer: Strikethrough on a row couldn’t be turned off
  • 6214: Fix: Demo: PureJS version of Excel Import/Export demo couldn’t export Excel files without throwing an error
  • 6225: Fix: Formula result in SpreadJS was different from Excel
  • 6233: Fix: Imported Excel file showed incorrect formula results and formatters
  • 6246: Fix: When drop-down styles were set on a column and then copied/pasted to the same cell, a duplicate drop-down button was pasted in the cell
  • 6303: Fix: Percentage character would not show in edit mode when the format was “%0.00”
  • 6309: Fix: Adding the “gc-spread-sheets-designer” tag in Vue caused an exception to be thrown